Caribou Gear Tarp

Alaska Black Bear - Part II

Hey i just about got divorced today. She's not even speaking to me right now. These trade off trips are getting real expensive for me(Not mine but hers) I need to keep the peace and really evaluate whats important. You say let her have the trip but looking ahead, bear in the spring, dall hunt in August, deer tag fall, archery hunt...... Were do I draw the line?:):confused:

I haven't had a solid poop since the invite:eek: and I'm getting ulcers.

As for the cameraman we know it's not due too a hair appointment:D
Hey i just about got divorced today. She's not even speaking to me right now. These trade off trips are getting real expensive for me(Not mine but hers) I need to keep the peace and really evaluate whats important. You say let her have the trip but looking ahead, bear in the spring, dall hunt in August, deer tag fall, archery hunt...... Were do I draw the line?:):confused

That is a "waffle" if I ever read one. I am well served to find some fall back options, as I can see right now, where this one is headed.

Did you read Calvin's post where he asked for advice from married guys who hunt a lot? Thinking you might learn from that post.

Have her call me. She always talks to me. Nothing some new furniture can't cure. Better yet, I bet a new vehicle would get you a pass for all those items you mentioned above.

Asking her to drive your plow truck in the middle of summer, with four kids, is not scoring you many points. Hate to point out the obvious, but your wife's vehicle situation seems to be the talk of the neighborhood.

Really not that difficult of a problem to solve.
Well the neighborhood is in debt with vehicle payments and me trying to justify $25,000 to make those hunts is a bit hard to swallow.
She's all for me going but wants equals(maybe I can't blame her).
Wishing I was a bit more independently wealthy.

Sounds like and incredible hunt and you've got a lot of the kinks out for your second go around.
You're still thinking of calling them in? Wow you're brave I think it would be hard to film someone hiding between the tripod legs:D That's were I'd be.
I don't want a new car actually....I am ok with my cars. I have nice furniture. I just want the Lawnboy to figure out that if he gets to go do fun stuff i should get to do fun stuff as well. He thinks he is poor and can't afford it. I am know what he can afford....and he can afford it.

His real problem is not having any returning employees, and he doesn't want to lose his business. He has an open pass with me to do as much hunting as he wants as long as I get to play too.

But hey.....when you get ready to put Montana girls on the show let me know.....I don't have a problem dropping everything to go on a fun trip. Although....I don't want to kill any bambies, and I am not as funny as the Lawnboy.

I will let him out of the doghouse, when he let's me go to Vegas for 3 days with my mom an dad! :)

I will watch the "White Board' thread to see which of those hunts you will be hunting with a female...and no Buschy doesn't count as female!
I will let him out of the doghouse, when he let's me go to Vegas for 3 days with my mom an dad! :)

Sounds like you are letting him off pretty easy. It costs me three of those trips per year.

For those who don't know Mrs. Lawnboy, Elkwidow, you can see from her posts that our friend, ol' Lawnboy, has "married up."
If I thought the Vegas trip would wipe away all my upcoming sins then I'll be all for it. She's backpedalling from the 50/50 thing now. But I've bedded down with this woman for 14 years and know it will come back up to haunt me;):)
The vegas trip is for last year Lawnbrat! A trip to alaska for a caribou....and a helicopter trip with randy.....remember?? The rest of the hunting I don't keep track of....just the big trips.
If I thought the Vegas trip would wipe away all my upcoming sins then I'll be all for it. She's backpedalling from the 50/50 thing now. But I've bedded down with this woman for 14 years and know it will come back up to haunt me;):)

If you don't shut up while you're already behind, lots of things will come back to haunt you. :confused:

A closed mouth gathers no foot. - Old proverb of a great Cheyenne chief.

She does read your posts here, or have you not noticed?
Easy girl Easy. Let's just all simmer down.:D I'm pulling out the :W:
I know she's reading them because were swapping the laptop. Just thought you all might appreciate a Dr. Phil episode. This is what Randy used to get see and hear at the year end tax talk. I always thought people came out of those crying but Randy was always laughing till tears. Glad we could provide some humor.

Yes I did marry up. No where to go but up with this big hole I just dug:eek:
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Quit while you may be ahead Lawnboy.

This is the way to spend a Saturday night, E&J Diet, domestic disturbance on HT...

Should I feel bad for enjoying this?

I guess probaly not since others have enjoyed my stuggels with the home life.

Best of luck Lawnboy!
It's all good. He is stuck with me! I am all done raking him over the coals on hunt talk....well at least for tonight. :)

Someday I know he will figure out how to keep the peace...until then, you can all sit back and enjoying watching him squirm! ;)
My wife and I are really enjoying hunt talk tonight.
As with most on HT, I suppose it is because we can relate.
May 2 is going to be a really fun time to hunt. Should be some big ones down near the beaches. Tides will be perfect when you get there, according to the info I have. Good luck!
Good luck Randy.

Wish I could go back to SE Alaska bear hunting, but medical procedures and the associated bills will keep me away this year.

I checked and the Shipley Bay cabin we used is available. Oh, what fun it was!
Exactly. Not difficult at all to find a fine HTer to go to AK on a bear hunt!

Lawnboy, it's Valentine's Day...make the most of it and get back in good graces with elkwidow!
It's all good! She's my best friend. We don't stay mad long. Just gonna steal Fin's credit card to subsidize the wifes 50/50 trip policy. I've got it all figured out:D
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