AK Director and SFW Board Member Busted

Amazing how this group of crooks gets anyone to follow their BS. More amazing that people actually try and defend their repeated, consistent actions.
I just trawled through all the posts and links and i am obviously not best qualified to give an opinion, but can someone explain to why he is only facing the illegal hunting charges and not being investigated for corruption?
The lady in the video looked like a rabbit caught in the headlights.
I don't even live in the US, but bloody corruption and the old boys clubs (which we have here) just get my blood boiling.
At least there's one moron to further their cause, and keep us entertained. I hope, no I pray, that he's not able to propagate.

Looks like birdman spent all night editing his posts. Guess we should have copied and quoted.

Now, two of the regular supporters of SFW are over there talking as if they are turning in their SFW cards. I suspect they are probably good guys, who felt vested in the work they had volunteered to do, only to feel very betrayed. You can only make your volunteers look like fools so many times, before they are no longer volunteers.

Still no word from the Boss Man, who usually comes to point out how everyone on the thread is wrong; how we are all just looking to criticize the guys who are saving us from ourselves; or some other pompous, belittling comment.
AwholelottaBull is a good guy. i think he saw the habitat work they did and just missed the other side of what was going on.
Now the other question is this, Do you boycott the SLC expo?
I have never gone, and as many of you know it is because of the SWF tag grab and how wrong of a direction I think business should be conducted. I would have love to gone and had the meetings with a large group of guys from here but just felt I had to stick to my guns.
BTW, I will be at the SHOT show this coming week for a couple days if anyone wants to get together.
SLC Expo

Schmalts, No way I'd go to that expo and support that BS. What I am so surprised at is how the vast majority of Utah natives just joke and laugh about how they blew $300 last year and will do the same again, with zero regard for the lack of ethics nor morals involved. All they consider is themselves and their personal greed for one of these stolen tags. They could care less where the tags came from. Really amazes me when you consider their chance to draw a tag there is a snowball's in hell (unless you are a SFW board member).

There are a hell of a lot of better lotteries to invest your cash if you want to get a tag. Try throwing it at an Idaho nonrefundable primo sheep/moose/deer unit for instance. Odds would be exponentially better. But they aren't smart enough to figure that out??? Instead they'd rather throw their money at horribly worse odds and promote crooks at the same time??? Go figure.
Since the tags were "stolen" from the NR pool...figure I need to do all I can to get even a remote chance to get a tag back.

I'd much rather apply for those tags in the regular draw.
Schmalts, No way I'd go to that expo and support that BS. What I am so surprised at is how the vast majority of Utah natives just joke and laugh about how they blew $300 last year and will do the same again, with zero regard for the lack of ethics nor morals involved. .

But the same guys would be the ones who would gripe the most if tag prices went up by the same amount if they were in the regular draw is my guess
Now the other question is this, Do you boycott the SLC expo?.

I have went every year. I respect those who stay away as a matter of principal. Admire them for doing so.

I am completely comfortable going there. I admit, if not for the 200 tags and the meetings I have with/for sponsors, I would not go. Maybe that is a rationalization to justify my attendance. To your question, I don't boycott the expo.

I go to Elk Camp and they don't have 200 tags to raffle. So, the tags are not needed to get people to an event, if you have something worth peoples, time.

Thanks for the link...

Unbelievable, and the EXACT reason that politics dont belong in Wildlife Management. The Sarah Palin/Sally Heath email is something.

Glad this is being exposed in Alaska, I suspect theres a lot more to follow.
What a cluster, but I’m glad Rossi is gone.

I have a question for those that go to the expo. Do you put money in the raffle for the tags that the SWF secured for the event? If I remember right 2-3 from OYOA have won permits in the past? Maybe I'm miss-remembering?
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I have went every year. I respect those who stay away as a matter of principal. Admire them for doing so.

I am completely comfortable going there. I admit, if not for the 200 tags and the meetings I have with/for sponsors, I would not go. Maybe that is a rationalization to justify my attendance. To your question, I don't boycott the expo.

I go to Elk Camp and they have 200 tags to raffle. So, the tags are not needed to get people to an event, if you have something worth peoples, time.

Are you missing a "don't" between they and have in that last sentence?
I have a question for those that go to the expo. Do you put money in the raffle for the tags that the SWF secured for the event? If I remember right 2-3 from OYOA have won permits in the past? Maybe I'm miss-remembering?

I buy chances on some of those 200 tags. I think most anyone who goes buys some chances. If I buy a $65, or whatever price, NR hunting license to apply in the UT draw, I apply for some of the expo raffle tags, as well.
I have a question for those that go to the expo. Do you put money in the raffle for the tags that the SWF secured for the event? If I remember right 2-3 from OYOA have won permits in the past? Maybe I'm miss-remembering?
I do, and I have won a tag in the past.

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