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AK Director and SFW Board Member Busted

There are so many holes in this thing, I have to wonder how many are going down with this ship.

Selective memory by the guide. Not sure how Rossi would have harvest tickets filled out by the guide unless the guide was in on it. Why would the guide be filling out "extra" harvest cards anyway?

Expunged records in UT for forgery?

This keeps getting better and better.

There are so many holes in this thing, I have to wonder how many are going down with this ship.

Selective memory by the guide. Not sure how Rossi would have harvest tickets filled out by the guide unless the guide was in on it. Why would the guide be filling out "extra" harvest cards anyway?

Expunged records in UT for forgery?
This keeps getting better and better.

Thats weird!? Do we know anyone in UT with political connections associated with any of these individuals??? ;)
What's more obscene than this guy's game violations is the fact he was appointed to a position this high and DIDN'T EVEN HAVE A COLLEGE anything........much less wildlife management!
So an uneducated guy gets the top position and unilaterally made the decision to give away 30% of Alaska's governor's tags to SFW for the expo. Are you crappin me???

Well the Utah SFW supporters certainly are right about one thing. SFW knows how to get things done.

Plenty of giant screw ups performed by college educated folks too. Some of the biggest idiots I've ever met were pretty proud of all the schooling they had.
We cannot let this issue or the Arizona issue go away.That is what they want is for us to forget and then they will try it again behind our backs.Just because it is not happening in every western state does not mean it wont.SFW wants there greedy hands in all states tags.We don't speak up now we will all be like Utah.
Plenty of giant screw ups performed by college educated folks too. Some of the biggest idiots I've ever met were pretty proud of all the schooling they had.

This is a really stupid response. Everyone makes mistakes. The education requirement for a position of this stature is a typical barrier to entry and should be drop dead obvious to all. So much so it's not even worth taking my time to summarize. :eek:
I have a feeling the hole is going to get a lot deeper. Nice to see there is finally a connection being made with SWF and Rossi.
He's not my "boy", and his education has nothing to do with him being a crook.

BTW, only an idiot would reference anything that Medred writes.
The issue is still alive.
Time to ride these weasels out of town on a rail!

Wow. I thought they were crooks, but that excellent piece of research shows what a bunch of worthless slimebags they are.

My uncle would say, "I wouldn't trust them in a chithouse with a spoon; what they couldn't steal from you, they would try to eat."

Seems to fit this group.

Not sure how hunters are going to defend these type of campaigns against anything that some guys feel are reducing game numbers. Someone will get hold of that horror story and will use it against hunters, time and again.

I feel SFW/BGF is the number one pox to hunting, beyond PETA, beyond HSUS, beyond you name it. The anti-hunters can just sit back and let SFW/BGF continue to do this kind of crap, and their goals will be accomplished.
SFW will never go away.Those idiots and anyone who supports them after what they tried to do in Arizona think we will forget.They will try come at us with something new,maybe word it differently were us common folks will not be able to understand it lol. I just dont understand why fellow hunters would support that kind of organization? Can't they see what SFW has done in Utah,Alaska and what they tried to do in AZ? I just don't get it.