Yeti GOBOX Collection

After election embarrassing posts...


Well-known member
Aug 22, 2002
What will we argue and gossip about now that elections over?
I know some of you enjoy my past posts when I expose my own embarrassing problems (like the transvestite friend discovery, and nutsack ultrasound) so I will throw another one at you.
I went for a real aggressive bike ride on my mountain bike monday after work and blew out my taint:eek: Yep, injured that thing bad. I am fully aware of risks to your man junk when doing a lot of bike riding but this was only the second time I had any pain like this. gory details? read on, or hit the back button now......
Went and did a lot of hills on what was a usual 16 mile ride but got home and felt like i was kicked in the groin. Hmm..... Took a piss and at the end a drop of blood came out..... Hmmmm.....
Poked the old lady later that night and lets just say what "came" out was not the usual stuff but more blood than anything:eek:
Called the doctor, and he said stay off that damn bike, make sure the blood clears up in less than a week, get a wider taint friendly seat, and go to the most reputable bike shop and spend the 100 bucks to get custom fitted on the bike.
I am telling this story because some of you ride and if you do and are a heavier guy (Pointer, Oscar you listening?) make sure your fitted proper and your seat it wide enough for your sit bones as bigger riders are more prone to problems like ED because of the extra pressure they put on the old "taint".
Funny thing is I would have expected this on my road bike instead that I know has too long of a top tube and i find myself sliding forward onto the nose of the seat a lot but this was on the MT bike instead.
OK, go ahead and laugh and joke at my expense, I can handle it.
BTW, if you do not know what a taint is... ask Miller, he may show you:cool:
actually, Oscar, don't read this post, you could use a little ED in your life. Good god man are you part rabbit?
Taint is an awesome word. I've never heard of one being blown out, that sucks.
Maybe you should consider a softail frame with the custom sidekick seat.

nah.... I seen most Harley riders, they are all fat slobs and thier wives are even fatter.. they need to pedal a little more.

I am thinking I should stop at a bike store tomorrow and see if they have a can of Fix-a-taint in stock
Schmalts, I hope you have learned something and remove the b-plug before you go riding again.
Thanks for the tip...I think... ;)

I'm guessing blood through the pee hole is not a most fun... Now if you could have combined this story with some post election poking of S. Palin, that would've been pretty cool. :D

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