Yeti GOBOX Collection

A Ton of Deer


Well-known member
Dec 18, 2000
Mesa, AZ
The only thing I can tell anyone about these pictures is that I received them with a note that says that they all came off of a one acre piece of property in Iowa, with 14 hunters killing one or two deer each and that the hunt lasted four days. If anyone knows anything additional, I would be happy to hear it.



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I'm thinking I've seen this pic one or 5 times. Amazing how this stuff just keeps circling the net. I've heard about the same number of stories to go with it so who knows which if any is the correct one. :rolleyes:
It was a mile, not an acre. yes it was iowa, the tags proove it.
Definitely not off of one acre. An acre is only 208.71' by 208.71'. Maybe a square mile like schmaltz said. Some real nice deer there but personally I'm not a big fan of seeing something like that. I guess out here in Wyoming we don't have the number of animals to allow for something like that. Problem I have with it is lots of times the meat goes to waste. Nice deer though.
Well, chit thats great place to hunt, heck aint hards hoot one is it:), all that meat and nice mounts:D
I've seen these pics on the net quite a few times but with little explanation. My first reaction was that it was a poor display of animal harvest or that maybe it was a doctored picture.. Stacking quality whitetail like firewood just doesn't seem right somehow. Just a gut reaction.
The owner of the company I work for has private land in Minnesota and each year him and his buddy’s shoot deer off their private land… A dozen or so using bow and arrows…they get so much they end up donating a lot of it to charity!!
krshunter said:
Definitely not off of one acre. An acre is only 208.71' by 208.71'. Maybe a square mile like schmaltz said. Some real nice deer there but personally I'm not a big fan of seeing something like that. I guess out here in Wyoming we don't have the number of animals to allow for something like that. Problem I have with it is lots of times the meat goes to waste. Nice deer though.
wyoming has a heck of a lot more deer than most of the states that allow for this tye of harvest.the difference is that wyoming will be plentiful as long as they continue management like they have places that have liberal bag limits sooner or later the herd seems to disapear due to over hunting and poor is an florida a hunter can take 2 bucks per day every day of the 3 month season.on private land there are 2 weekends during the season which does can be killed.on public land there are no doe days at all. the only time does can be culled from the herd is during archery season and you can get 2 does per day every day of the 6 week is the problem.every buck that someone sees is being killed by rifle hunters.bucks have to travel much less during the rut to find a hot doe because they are everywhere so the bucks dont move.young bucks are more likely to breed the mature does creating a weaker fawn and quality bucks are few and far between.if you come to florida i can show you deer but most of what you see will be does, fawns and young bucks.many states have managed the herd based on the public being able to see animals not on what is best for the herd(which would let the public see more quality animanls).a big pile of deer like that is a great hunt for a group of people but harvest rates like that will be short lived.