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A bet of Presidential proportions

Erik in AK

New member
Mar 28, 2002
not killing a ram
Ok bretheren,
I'm calling the race, right now, right here on Hunt Talk, 7 march 2004 2312 AST

I will bet any of you fine fellow Hunt Talkers that George W. Bush will be re-elected by a wide enough margin to negate Nader's effect on Kerry.

Bush will take 54%, Kerry-41% and Nader about 3%. That leaves 1% for the fudge factor. Bush wins by 12 or more points or you win.

The bet is one adult beverage of choice to be consumed in each others presence at the first reasonable opportunity.

Oh Jesus; with a point spread yet! Miss football already do ya?? :D Hey guys; it's snowing!! :eek:
I'll take that bet!! I'm not sure it'll be that wide of a spread either way. Plus, I need another excuse to go to AK!!

I'll take the 12 points and Kerry. But you have to pay off in September, as that is most likely when I will be up to Fairbanks for a little Moose hunting....

Here is what USA Today has for the current poll.
After locking up the Democratic presidential nomination, John Kerry leads President Bush 52%-44%, largely because people say Kerry would handle domestic issues better.

In a three-way matchup, independent Ralph Nader receives 2% at Kerry's expense, leaving Kerry with 50% and Bush still at 44%.

Another sign of trouble for Bush: Men, usually a Republican strength, split 47% for Kerry, 46% for Bush. Kerry has his party's typical lead with women, 53%-43%.
polls schmolls. Kerry will get taken to task over his anti-regular American record in the Senate. His vacillations will further reinforce Bush's image as principled and steady.

Kerry will look good all summer but Georgie boy will catch him by mid september. Kerry wants to hand over American Foreign Policy to the U.N.. Americans in general do not trust the U.N.. John Kerry is a weenie, and a smug elitist weenie at that. Americans can't stand smug elitist weenies, especially when said weenie is no good at hiding it. Bush just might be a dufus but the rest of the world knows not to screw with him. By October Kerry will be synonymous with national insecurity. He won't pick Hillary as a running mate, although she would damn near lock it up for him, because his legacy would be the first President in history to be overshadowed by the VP. If Hillary gets on the ticket and Kerry wins, Kerry has an accident.

Bush in the home stretch by 12
I'd agree totally with you Erik if women and "kids" weren't voting; unfortunately they elected Clinton the second term and damn near elected that fool Gore as well. I'm not being smug or condescending or trying to show any form of bigotry. Women and men just think differently. God bless the differences; but, got to tell you the creative disconnected cognitive processes of the fairer sex drive me insane during elections. Kids just lack experience, haven't been "had" enough yet! :(
Listening to the news you would think the Democrats had there foot back in the door with out even much of a fight...It will be great to see them get their ass's stomped again. They need to come out of their Socialistic, Pie in the sky, Communistic ideals and come back to a closer view of what made America great before they can really be looked at as a true force to be recond with instead of a true farce to be laughed at...This thing with the gay marriages is the latest spit in the faces of all Americans....
Push the #'s any way you like Gunner, from any ol' liberal source you like. The only reason Kerry has any thing is because the media won't put any thing possitive about the sitting president.

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