Poor Ralph Nader


New member
Dec 11, 2000
Who do you defend if you support both Nader and Kerry?

Thursday, Aug. 19, 2004
Nader Denounces Kerry's 'Gangsters'

"President Bush isn't the only candidate to experience the viciousness of the multimillion-dollar Democrat goon squads. Ralph Nader is fed up with John Kerry's "gangsters.""

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"Naderites in Oregon say Kerry's henchmen in Big Labor "are resorting to 'gangster' tactics by bullying and intimidating signature-gatherers in hopes of thwarting Nader's petition drive," the Associated Press reported today.
Service Employees International Union, which wants Kerry to win so even more bureaucrats will be on the taxpayers' dole, claims it is merely try to stop Naderites from engaging in a very Democrat vice: fraud.

But Nader's coordinator in Oregon, Greg Kafoury, cited as just one example the two union members who knocked on a petition-gatherer's door, told her she was under "investigation" and left her "badly shaken and intimidated."

"We have been sabotaged and smeared, and now we have had our people bullied by people who knock on doors at night," Kafoury said.

Nader wrote in the Los Angeles Times:

"Though the Democrats have the right to robustly oppose my independent presidential campaign, they don't have the right to engage in dirty tricks designed to deny millions of voters the opportunity to choose who should be the next president.

"But that's what is happening. Across the country, the Democratic Party, state Democratic partisans, corporate lobbyists and law firms are making an unprecedented effort to keep the Nader-Camejo ticket off the ballot. It's a sordid, undemocratic tactic, an affront to voters and a threat to electoral choice."

He lashed out at those who are anti-choice on practically every issue except infanticide. "The so-called prochoice Democrats do not want voters to have a political choice; they want them stuck with only two candidates."

Among the Democrat dirty tricks he pointed out: clogging his convention with Oregon with Democrats who won't sign his petition, hiring "corporate law firms to block our ballot efforts with litigation on frivolous technical grounds," illegally using state employees in Illinois to attack his petitions and "[t]rying to exclude thousands of signatures in Illinois because the signatories had moved since registering to vote -- even though they still lived in Illinois and even though they were still registered voters."

Poor Ralph. Is he really surprised that the party that stole the presidential election in 1960 thanks to dead and non-existent "voters" and nearly pulled off a coup attempt in 2000 is going after little old him? "
Oh Come on now. Do you really think tha democrats will resort to those tactics to try to get their man elected? :rolleyes: Want to hear another good one? Where I used to live in TX, more democrats voted in one election than there were registered voters in teh county. Nothing was ever done about it, said that they could not find any irregularities.

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