26 days

I've read this whole thread, and my take away is that I'm kinda pizzed that Gomer moved away from MT.
Day 32 and yes I'm still showing up to work to protect our nations border, so that some can voice their opinions on here. It won't be long and some of the younger guys will be quitting to find work else where. I don't know why I bother putting that there because I see half the people on here have a low view of government workers.

I cross the border from Canada a few times a month. The officers at the border are always friendly and pleasant to deal with. I thought about bringing them something as a token of appreciation, but wasn't sure if that'd be a bad idea or not. What do you think would be appreciated? Doughnuts? Coffee? Grade A Canadian -fully legal- recreational cannabis?
I cross the border from Canada a few times a month. The officers at the border are always friendly and pleasant to deal with. I thought about bringing them something as a token of appreciation, but wasn't sure if that'd be a bad idea or not. What do you think would be appreciated? Doughnuts? Coffee? Grade A Canadian -fully legal- recreational cannabis?

Give them a bag of Tim Hortons, some all dressed chips and maple leaf cookies. At least that seems to be the list my kids used to like whenever we ventured north of the border.

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Day 32 and yes I'm still showing up to work to protect our nations border, so that some can voice their opinions on here. It won't be long and some of the younger guys will be quitting to find work else where. I don't know why I bother putting that there because I see half the people on here have a low view of government workers.

Don't confuse people's view of government work with their view of of government workers. The guys you don't hear about, just doing their jobs every day, do an amazing job under sometimes impossible conditions. The fact that what gets done is sometimes a fiasco is generally not the fault of the people with boots on the ground. The people screwing things up are generally those who don't actually do the work, but spend their time worrying about re-election and filling the old pork barrel with contradictory legislation. I have nothing but respect for the actual workers; the only ones I am thoroughly disgusted with are those holding the entire country hostage for some political principle or other. I have generally low expectations about what results will come out of the government, but that's not the fault of the actual workers. They do the best they can under the conditions they are given, and their best is generally very good.
I cross the border from Canada a few times a month. The officers at the border are always friendly and pleasant to deal with. I thought about bringing them something as a token of appreciation, but wasn't sure if that'd be a bad idea or not. What do you think would be appreciated? Doughnuts? Coffee? Grade A Canadian -fully legal- recreational cannabis?

Donuts are a non perishable item - Tim Hortons will last through the apocalypse... The best gesture, give a thank you to the Officer(s) involved and briefly share your appreciation. If you want to take an extra step, send in a comment to DHS/CBP regarding your experience. This goes a long way, especially within the law enforcement field... Always law enforcement haters that are quick to fabricate horror stories and submit to DHS/CBP. To receive quality comments offsets that crap. Law enforcement members understand adverse comments are par for the course though quality comments go a long way - 1000 x 's further than a donut.

Cheers and thanks for the thought towards any law enforcement, be it the border, along the border or the interior...
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CBSA did that for us the other day. It's very thoughtful but I don't think we could except it from an average joe. Just pray that our leaders will dig their heads out of their ass and fund the great work that we do.

I cross the border from Canada a few times a month. The officers at the border are always friendly and pleasant to deal with. I thought about bringing them something as a token of appreciation, but wasn't sure if that'd be a bad idea or not. What do you think would be appreciated? Doughnuts? Coffee? Grade A Canadian -fully legal- recreational cannabis?
If all you have to do is bring up 4 year old threads trying to stir the pot when it doesn't need stirring I'd suggest you watch all the videos Randy puts out along with listening to his podcasts, etc. to keep you busy doing something constructive.

Just pointing out that opinions change, present case in point. You're memory should reflect such. I'm guessing squirrels won't change though based on how long I've seen him post(here and other locales).

I don't watch many hunting videos, but I did watch the CO deer hunt.

One thing this lengthened shut down does bring to light is how vast the government job hut has become. Right or wrong the payroll is astronomical.
Donuts are a non perishable item - Tim Hortons will last through the apocalypse... The best gesture, give a thank you to the Officer(s) involved and briefly share your appreciation. If you want to take an extra step, send in a comment to DHS/CBP regarding your experience. This goes a long way, especially within the law enforcement field... Always law enforcement haters that are quick to fabricate horror stories and submit to DHS/CBP. To receive quality comments offsets that crap. Law enforcement members understand adverse comments are par for the course though quality comments go a long way - 1000 x 's further than a donut.

Cheers and thanks for the thought towards any law enforcement, be it the border, along the border or the interior...

That's great advice, and I will definitely do exactly that. I was worried about giving them donuts or something. They've always got dog cookies ready for the pup, and are generally just nice people.
Hey, wllm1313, don't mess up a hater's fedral guvment bashing argument with factual data.;)

No kidding...one would think rather than looking and sounding like a completely uneducated A-hole, some would use that google function before they open their soup coolers.
Total BS for BS.
Since my county has so much FS & BLM land that 90% of the work is Public Land involved, it has basically shutdown...families screwed, employed by the US or not.
Served half my life after swearing to defend the country. In Gubberment service.
We need bridges, roads & schools rebuilt,& numbnuts needs a wall.........
Hope he gets the one he deserves.
I was taught at a young age that common etiquette is to never discuss politics, religion, money or sex. However, as I got older it became obvious that these are the most interesting topics to discuss, as noted by this thread--well politics anyway.

First and foremost I feel for any family who is struggling for something they had no control over. Savings, I think most reasonable people try to do this, but what if they just bought a home with their savings and was just starting to rebuild that savings account. I believe each of us live differently and for that, all I can say is God Bless America. I certainly do not have the answer, but feel bad for those who have had to live through this govt shutdown without a paycheck.

On all sides, I do feel that politics and that includes the media, who have shown to have "an agenda" has gotten further and further apart, which makes it harder to find common ground.

I hope they find an answer real soon.

A couple of fellows mentioned their situation in Canada and they have an all out assault on their hunting rights in B.C. right now and I saw that Oregon is trying to pass a law limiting the amount of ammo one can purchase. I need another glass of Scotch
Unfortunately this is going to have long term effects on the people who work for the government as well. It appears that this could cause the young bright folks who are the future leaders of these government agencies to look at other options for employment. Those who are driven to not go through these shutdowns on a regular basis and have the skills to get employed elsewhere for similar pay likely will. Then you are left with many people who do not have the skills to find other employment options and can't make it in the private sector working their entire careers at these government agencies.

I suspect this happens with agencies like the border patrol losing good people to state and local law enforcement jobs for example.

Any of you federal employees looking at other employment options due to this shutdown?

Hey, wllm1313, don't mess up a hater's fedral guvment bashing argument with factual data.;)

No kidding...one would think rather than looking and sounding like a completely uneducated A-hole, some would use that google function before they open their soup coolers.

Total BS for BS.
Since my county has so much FS & BLM land that 90% of the work is Public Land involved, it has basically shutdown...families screwed, employed by the US or not.
Served half my life after swearing to defend the country. In Gubberment service.
We need bridges, roads & schools rebuilt,& numbnuts needs a wall.........
Hope he gets the one he deserves.

Just trying to get my $15k worth...

I love how it's bashing when its an administration you oppose, but constructive criticism when it's one you align with. Anytime anyone looks at the size it's always a negative.

And wllm1313, I don't care about those other countries, I don't live there and I don't pay any taxes to them(directly).
And wllm1313, I don't care about those other countries, I don't live there and I don't pay any taxes to them(directly).

Seems like most people who complain about the size of government are really complaining about the departments they don't like rather than the total number of employees. Conversations love a huge military and hate the independent agencies, and liberals are the inverse.

An uncomfortable fact for many conservatives who push the "size of gov argument" is that the larger government reductions since WWII were under Truman and Clinton.
military size.jpg

Just trying to get my $15k worth.

How do you figure you don't?

JFC, what the average person gets in services compared to what they pay in taxes...is well worth every penny. What I pay in taxes, which is significantly more than 15k, is worth it just to have a highway and interstate system that allows me to drive 65-80 MPH everywhere I go. I like being able to drive from my house in Laramie to Tucson AZ to hunt coues deer and not have it take a week traveling on gravel roads the whole way.

News Flash, running a city, county, state and federal governments costs money...you need employees to run all of it. For the record, I don't expect those employees to work for free.
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Squirrel is just being snarky because his side job as a winter range bounty hunter hasn't been very lucrative lately.

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