2015 Fresh Tracks whiteboard

Big Fin

Staff member
Dec 27, 2000
Bozeman, MT
In another thread, this question was asked.
....... How does the rest of the white board look?

Figured I would start a separate thread about the idea. I need at least ten hunts for our show. If RMEF wants me to do 3-4 elk hunts for them again this year, they'll need to come up with some tag ideas for me.

Last season ended up being the heaviest load of mule deer hunts we've ever had. Not by design, just in how the tags popped up for us. I can see that happening again this year, given how we have been accumulating deer points over the years and burning most our elk points.

This season will be about hunting with family and friends. I am trying to do as many of the hunts with family, as possible. Since my son is applying to grad school and he may not know those results by the time some apps are due, a lot is in flux.

Also trying to get in some hunts with friends who I have been wanting to hunt with for sometime, but the TV show always seemed to be a problem. Need to find ways to make those hunts happen. We have the sweepstakes hunt coming up for this season, so we will be filming that one, just a matter of what/where the winner wants to hunt.

Kind of looks like this, right now.

2015 White board.jpg

If I can juggle my RMEF board meeting commitments in August with the AK Sitka Blacktail season, I will get to cross one item off my "Do before I die" list. Working on that one to make sure it happens. Might cost me a trip to Vegas for Mrs. Fin and her sister, but that would be price I'm willing to pay.

Will be in UT for general archery deer, unless they completely eliminate the NR tags, or if my 5 points suddenly is not enough for a general archery hunt. MT deer is OTC for me, so I can make that work anytime.

Think I have enough points for CO 3rd season deer this year. Will try to burn my 18 CO elk points on an archery hunt this year, but odds are pretty slim, so I am expecting it to be another OTC hunt in CO.

Alaska finally issued some non-resident moose tags for where my family sets up their annual moose camp. I've not been able to hunt moose with them since the show started. I am hoping that most NRs missed that item in the AK regs. allowing me and Jereep to draw a couple of those moose tags. Not known for big moose, but given it would be a return to hunting with such close family, I really don't care. That hunt could take up two weeks from the schedule, so we would try to get two episodes out of it. If we draw, it will cause me to change my archery elk plans in CO and my pronghorn plans in UT. Good thing we find out before those states are due.

WY elk is going to be a crap shoot. Might do a general unit, special draw. Or, I might go in the special draw in a unit that has good random odds and keep my fingers crossed. Or, I might hunt with Uncle Larry. It's been three years since Larry has been on an episode. He continues his fight with lymphoma and I kick myself every year that the TV show keeps us from hunting together. This year, he and I will be hunting, whether it is both having tags, or just his tag. Really doesn't matter to me. Will be up to him, as to what he wants and where he wants to apply. We have options for other states and other species.

It is really nice to find out about WY elk and AK special draws before so many of the other apps are due. Given I can already count on six hunts, either as OTC or the fact my few points will be enough for others, it takes a lot of pressure off and allows me to swing for the fences on some other apps.

I'll update it more as some of the draws start coming in. Schedule seems to change daily, based on tags we draw/don't draw, other commitments, camera availability, trade shows, and most importantly, whatever it takes to keep Mrs. Fin overflowing with her patience beyond what any wife should be expected to exhibit.
Awesome ! When u coming back home to MN ?

Good question. The production guys think I need to go to Big Falls and do a "Where it all started" episode. Not sure the audience would find it as entertaining as some. Hard to tell all the funny stories in a half-hour episode.

Also would need to think through what I would hunt. If deer, I can almost assure you it would be a no kill, almost a "no see" episode. Deer are in tough shape up in Koochiching County. Have thought about doing a grouse episode and showing people that I really got my start in hunting poleaxing grouse with my .410.

I am sure it would offend some with the designer dogs and Italian double barrels, but I would love to do an episode where I go back to the old skid trails, logging roads, and old ridges dotting in the bogs, then ground sloosh limits of grouse (partridge in northern MN). Yeah, we would ground swat 'em, Arkansas 'em, or whatever other term was fashionable at the time.

They were food, not game. For the episode, I would go to the women who are still around and known for their great grouse recipes, showing people how great they are to eat; showing that for some people, hunting is still primarily an effort to procure food; that going out and gathering food is how many of us got our start in hunting.

Just don't know how that would translate on TV. Sure would be fun for me and brother and a bunch of out buddies to go and sack up a big mess of them and have a grouse feast of great proportions.

That isn't really an answer to your question, but part of what goes into the decision process.
Along the same lines, I for one would be interested in a cow elk hunt. Lots of reasons for the new (and old) hunters to go after cows. As much as I like to see big antlers, I relate more to the cow elk hunters.
That grouse episode idea is a great one! I can tell you right now it would end up being one of my favorites of the year. I believe most of us who live for the hunt developed the passion to hunt at that basic level. When I was a kid in search of a grouse for dinner that was all in the world that mattered. Those types of hunts are all around us and get overlooked in the quest for the higher profile quarry. It's all good!
Do a BWCA bear hunt ! U can call 'em in ! That's a hoot & will get ur blood pumping & the audiences will love it !
The grouse episode is the one you need to team up with Steven Rinella on. I think your ground slooshing grouse would make a great episode.
You going early or late for the Ak deer hunt?I'd like to see you guys do that up in the alpine in August.
I am super envious of the career you have built for yourself every time I see the whiteboard. That's about a decade of hunting for me. Well done.

I too would like to see the grouse episode. If it's not the greatest for the regular TV run, would it be feasible (ie affordable) to do one as a special feature/episode to include with the DVD/download of the season's shows?

That is a pretty awesome looking board again! I am envious of that AK Deer hunt, that is something I really want to get done one of these years.

A MN episode would be pretty cool, too bad it can't be a moose or wolf episode. For now anyway.
Busy, busy, busy. But what a way to spend your time!
I think your going home grouse hunt might work for good TV. I would watch and enjoy it.
Thanks for your commitment to the Fresh Tracks OYOA concept.
Don't forget to budget another week in Chateau de Goat. I've already got some scouted for you.


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You going early or late for the Ak deer hunt?I'd like to see you guys do that up in the alpine in August.

Alpine in Southeast AK; as early in August as the schedule will allow.

I am super envious of the career you have built for yourself every time I see the whiteboard. That's about a decade of hunting for me. Well done.

I too would like to see the grouse episode. If it's not the greatest for the regular TV run, would it be feasible (ie affordable) to do one as a special feature/episode to include with the DVD/download of the season's shows?

Calling it a career implies that it pays. Wish it was a career, but for now, it's still an "investment." :eek:

Feasible/affordable for an average episode breaks down like this, at least with our cost structure:

Cameras at $650/per day - $3,250 with one camera, double that with two cameras
Tags/licenses - $1,500 (this one would be less)
Travel/meals/lodging for hunters and crew - $2,500
Logging footage - $ 750
Editing - $3.500 per episode
Music license, graphics, color correction, sound studio - $ 1,500​

That would be doing it "on the cheap" for us, given it would be on state forests that do not require a $1,500+ filming permit. The question then becomes, "Can we recover the $13,000 in some manner of download/DVD?" Probably not, so it would have to be one of the episodes we use for the TV show.
I appreciate the behind the scenes info, really I do! My oldest son loves to watch hunting shows, unfortunately we don't get your channel, and he's asked why don't we do a show? That has caused me to be interested in the logistics/cost.

Good luck on your "investment", I hope it grows more than you ever thought possible.
Randy I really think you should try the grouse hunt in Big Falls. I think everyone would enjoy seeing where you came from.It may not be for everyone but it would continue your tradition of doing things your way. I have room at my house or hunting shack for you and all your crew and I guarantee you will enjoy the hunting and story telling of days gone by.
Interesting that you have FL Gator on your "other" list. FWIW, I feel the same way about gator hunting on TV as I do about Turkey Hunting - It's just not that interesting.

I hope you get the AK Moose, that would be awesome. Even more awesome would be the Montana Moose. I've seen dozens of AK Moose taken on hunting shows, but not shiras, much less a Montana Moose. That would be a lot of pressure for a seldom held tag.

Your show is special because it incorporates why we can hunt into the story, and by knowing that, the hunts are even better. A "What/Where Randy got started" episode from your own motherland would be awesome, even if it is just hunting grouse. Grouse are better than turkeys anyway.
I think the grouse hunt is a great idea. One of my favorite things to do while elk hunting (besides chase elk) is shoot grouse with my bow. Infinite levels of fun.

If you ever want to do a pheasant and/or chukar hunt (TV show or not) let me know. Henry and I will blindfold you and take you to our favorite haunts.:)
you should be able to pull a top unit for utah deer if you have 5 points for the general tag,,,even a near the top gen rifle deer might be in order. im fairly impressed with utah,,Im now 3 for 3,3rd year in a row now,but no whoppers yet,,,good luck.
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