NEW SITKA Ambient 75

2010 bows


New member
Dec 23, 2000
Does anybody have one ?
Are you planning to buy one ?
Any thoughts on the new Hoyt Maxxis or Afterburner ?
How about the Mathews Z 7
Are you waiting on Struthers ? Rytera Alien ?
There’s so many new archery companies I can’t keep track of them.
I think this is the year I will break down and buy a new bow (if my wife lets me). I'll retire my Legacy to backup duty.

I am guessing that between the Z7, Alphaburner/Maxxis, Bowtech Destroyer or PSE Dreamseason that I'll find one I like. I am not a guy who puts much stock in absolute blazing speed, but many of these new bows are offering mucho velocity with respectable brace heights (7+ inches). That said I still have a hard time swallowing the cost of new archery equipment, higher initial cost than firearms and depreciating at an incredible rate. And its not just the bow, accessories have gotten ridiculously expensive too.
When Looking at the PSE line I would probably look at the axe 7 over the Dreamseason. The cam is a lot smoother draw cycle and you only give up a little speed.
The one thing I do know is that they (archery companies) will all try and tell you that if you don't have the new or latest bla bla bla then you need it or you have nothing. They will convince you that the new bla bla bla will deliver a 400 class bull in the back of you pickup. I call BS on all they hype...the only problem is that we all just get sucked right in and sure enjoy the latest BS.

I for one will hold out for the equipment that all you do is get out of your truck, point an arrow at the sky, and fire...meanwhile your arrow with smart technology flyes itself arround identifying elk, calculating, antler sizes, sending a telepatic signal back to your brain that plants the image in your mind, allowing you to give the go ahead before the smart arrow locks on to its targeted 400 inch bull, hitting the animal in such a way that causes it to run the 15 miles off the mountain to your truck before falling over dead.

I mean really. Just like "elk don't know how many feet a horse has" the elk don't care what kind of bow shot them or if it had the newest or latest reverse double helix anti reflective limbsaver with smart guard.
I got turned off by all the hype a number of years ago. I hunt strictly traditional now--long bow and recurve. My fastest bow shoots a blazing 185 fps with a 650 gr. arrow. I've taken as many deer and hogs on a yearly basis as I took with a compound. It's more enjoyable hunting without all gizmos.
I must admit to getting sucked in to all the hype. I have a buddy who is sponsored by Mathews and is shooting the Z7. His report yesterday has me excited enough that I plan on shooting one this week to see if I like it...

I should admit that I have a son who is interested in learning to bow hunt and I plan to pass my Drenlin down to him. Kind of a "win, win".
I had to smile when I open this forum for a quick look. I noticed a political bink in a signature file. Then with the nature of this portion of the forum it made it even more interesting. I had decided after many years of not having the time to bow hunt that from now on I can make the time to enjoy bow hunting as well as Gun hunting . Now to the epiphany of the moment. For many years as a person who has enjoyed Guns and shooting as well as a smaller amount of archery. It is the note of the VP of the USA.

For many a year now we have been warning folks to hang on to the 2nd amendment rights. Now we find that in the uphill battle that they have now decided that Bows and Archery can also be a very deadly weapon as well and possibly should be contained if not outright banning of them as well. So Please be careful in letting your child or anyone for that matter take Archery equipment to a School of public facility. They could be arrested for this. I do not wish to discuss the merits of Guns as such other than to say that so many things are becoming to dangerous to "OWN" or even "KNOW ABOUT" yes you can be arrested for what you put on line now. I mean where is this stuff coming from anyway? We are going to have the Politico's play with our Health care this weekend. First they want to keep us from hurting ourselves then they want to patch us up if we do.

Let us take our grandiose politicians out and shoot every third one. Or even better Please let us make them live on Minimum wage while they are in office. Also they have to use what ever health care they come up with for us.

i have the new maxxis 35 with the 80 lb limbs. i have several bows from mathews to hoyt and after i shot the maxxis one time, i hung up all my other ones. in my opinion its the best bow for me
I had to smile when I open this forum for a quick look. I noticed a political bink in a signature file. Then with the nature of this portion of the forum it made it even more interesting. I had decided after many years of not having the time to bow hunt that from now on I can make the time to enjoy bow hunting as well as Gun hunting . Now to the epiphany of the moment. For many years as a person who has enjoyed Guns and shooting as well as a smaller amount of archery. It is the note of the VP of the USA.

For many a year now we have been warning folks to hang on to the 2nd amendment rights. Now we find that in the uphill battle that they have now decided that Bows and Archery can also be a very deadly weapon as well and possibly should be contained if not outright banning of them as well. So Please be careful in letting your child or anyone for that matter take Archery equipment to a School of public facility. They could be arrested for this. I do not wish to discuss the merits of Guns as such other than to say that so many things are becoming to dangerous to "OWN" or even "KNOW ABOUT" yes you can be arrested for what you put on line now. I mean where is this stuff coming from anyway? We are going to have the Politico's play with our Health care this weekend. First they want to keep us from hurting ourselves then they want to patch us up if we do.

Let us take our grandiose politicians out and shoot every third one. Or even better Please let us make them live on Minimum wage while they are in office. Also they have to use what ever health care they come up with for us.


What was that guy smoking?

What is a Z7?
I shoot a bowtech, but picked up and drew the new Z7 at the sporting goods dealer the other day.If I wanted to drop another $800 on a bow, the Z7 would be it.Also tried the Reezen out, but the Z7 feels far better to me.Had to get out of there before I walked in the house with a new bow and dirty look from the wife
I followed up my earlier post and took down the new Z7. I have always liked my Drenlin however that Z7 was like getting a Ferrari when you have been driving a Volkswagon bus. A Ferrari may be an unfair comparison as the bow is so smooth and quite. I thought my Drenlin was that way until I tried that Z7...
I know I'm going to get a new bow in 2010. It's a 2008 gently used Bowtech General. smoooooth! I should get it before doe season closes.

I'll keep a bow 8-10 years, so I feel like I get good utility out of it.
I have an old Hoyt Raptor that I got off ebay for $100 two years ago. It has put down elk, antelope, deer, rabbits, and a prairie dog. I can shoot 20 oz soda bottles at 67 yards with it and punch through my shed at 70 yards if I send an errant shot downrange. I am thinking about a new bow this year, but am kinda lost with all the claims of who is making the best bows. I was actually looking at the Bass Pro Shop websight last night and saw a couple "Red Head" bows that could easily compete with the 'big names' for half the price. I don't have a big archery shop or big box sporting goods store nearby, so I have to do alot of research ahead of time and get an idea in mind before the long drive to check a few out and make a purchase. I'll tell you what, though, those Red Head bows are looking better and better...all the speed and bells and whistles and packages for hundreds of dollars less than the big names....
I went and shot the new bows for fun this weekend and I would say the most impressive bow of them all was the Bowtech Destroyer. I shoot a Mathews Drenalin and I did think the Z7 was awesome. If I was in the market for a new bow I would seriously think of switching brands. Check out the Destroyer for sure.
Yeah I checked out the destroyer and maxxis yesterday, definatly bowtech wins imo.......... the Z7 of mathews is nothing but last yrs reezen with a new beefed up riser and slightly modified cams, nothing new or innovative
anyone have a hot tip for where to find a great deal on a year or two old used bow????? I'm with T-bone and like to keep a bow for 8-10 years and I'm on year 9 with mine.
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