PEAX Equipment

1st Deer w/ Rifle!!! (pics)


New member
Aug 14, 2001
YEEEEHAAAAWWWW!! I'm hooked for life!!! I started to hunt last year with a bow, but decided to try out a rifle this year (back-a$$wards). I'd borrowed a 30-06 to try it out. I missed an uphill shot the second morning at a steep 260 yards at two 3x bucks.:mad: :confused: With the advice of some guys on this board (thanx), I re-sited the rifle for 200, practiced for uphill and headed out.

A Mile and a half from the truck, I still hunted down a treed ridge that I'd scouted a month before...snuck into 3 does and the two bucks...followed them for 100 yards...quartering towards me at 50 yards...this time when he bounced he didn't get up! !!!:D :D

My first deer with a gun - it was a great hunt!! I brought my Dad out to field dress it and we spent the day guttin', draggin' & laughin'...
Congratulations!! You are now infected with a wonderful disease........deer hunting. It breaks out about every year around this time. I'm sure you'll enjoy it though. Good going, and continued good luck.
Thanx boys, to your great wisdom, I've learned some unique and valuable lessons on this board!!!

1) The fine art of elk bugling with beans!
2) Hunting strategies which maximize the use of spanking in the field...
3) How to properly 'field dress' your sheep (for you first date - Idaho style)
LOL :D... :eek: ... :cool: