100 miles of pain for gain


Well-known member
Aug 22, 2002
Well, it is that time of year. As I said before, i will be trying to go the full 100 miles this year for the trek 100 for childhood cancer. Last year I did the 100k and took a wrong turn following some hot chicks in front of me and did part of the 100 mile course ending up with about 80 miles and was spent! This is early in the riding season for Wisconsin to go that far. This year it is 100 miles or nothing. They are moving the course to a new city about 40 miles away and I do not know what it is like for terrain (flat please!)
I know times are a lot tougher than last year, and last year it BLEW MY MIND how much this site and it's members put up so all i can say is if you can pledge even the minimum it is better than nothing for this terrible disease that no kid should ever have to go through.
I promise this year this if I meet my donation goal, more hot chick ass photos, and some video as well in action on the road with all that nice wiggle and jiggle on the bumps. Yea I am a pig, but whatever it takes to get more pledges!
here is the link for those interested.

Good for you, schmalts. I always suspected you were good for something.

FYI, your direct link doesn't work, so you might want to post your name so folks can search for you.
a good cause.

Yes, the cure rate in the last 20 years has gone waaaay up for children diagnosed with cancer because of research and trials. This is without a doubt one great charity and goal. My condolences to those who have had children or relatives who have not survived it, it should not happen to kids.
Thanks to all who have made a donation. Just remember to print out the page showing the donation and save it for tax time as a write off.
Schmalts, be getting you to your goal in the next couple weeks. still dealing with the insurance folks, so funds are tight right now.
Schmalts, be getting you to your goal in the next couple weeks. still dealing with the insurance folks, so funds are tight right now.
TLC my man, don't worry about it so much, you have a lot on your plate the way it is.:eek:
Good luck on getting the full 100 in!!! My arse would hunt for a month if I rode a bike for that long...
Good luck on getting the full 100 in!!! My arse would hunt for a month if I rode a bike for that long...

Pointer, been riding a lot this year so far. Going to do 70 this weekend if I don't get dropped like last weekend. There is a group ride that leaves from a bike shop near me and DAMN those guys are smoking fast. At mile 30 I got out of the pack, lost the draft into a 20MPH steady head wind and it was all over but the crying. I was pissed, lost, and tired. I found my way back to the shop just as the trip odometer read 50. I did a metric cetury last month already.
This year marks a special year for me as well by doing this. In July I will be cancer free for 10 years:hump: So what the hell, a good way to celebrate it instead of buying doughnuts for the fatties at work.
"This year marks a special year for me as well by doing this. In July I will be cancer free for 10 years So what the hell, a good way to celebrate it instead of buying doughnuts for the fatties at work."

major congrats and continued good health.:)
Well, a little training ride this AM. It really sucked. I did 70 miles with a group of 8 riders in the rain the whole time. Brand new wheel set this AM, fugged it up already. Trying to get my water bottle back in the cage it slipped out of my hand from being wet, hit the ground and some how got into my spokes. It tore the valve stem off, tire went flat in 1 second. I felt a big bump like I ran it over but no clue what that was all about.
Got eaten alive by skeets while changing out the tube. All wet and full of road grit I got so much sand on the tube I am surprised I did not flat out the rest of the ride from sand rubbing through a tube inside the tire. But I got it fixed, and finished the ride. Spent 45 minutes truing the wheel when I got home. I got it true, but worry about the spoke tension on the spot that was bent. This road bike crap is as expensive as hunting:eek: Moosie can attest to that;).
Pointer, My seat is the ONE for me, and I think 100 miles will be OK, but my LOWER BACK :BLEEP: That will be the pain
Update. I did 76 miles today solo. Felt pretty good, lower back was much better this weekend. I wanted to get the wife out this evening to put on another 20 to round it out to almost the 100 but no luck, she felt lazy. I think i am ready for the 100 miles next weekend. as long as the winds are mild it should go well since there will be others to spend time drafting.
Thanks again to all who put up some money (some real serious money too) for this cause. I will post plenty of pictures next weekend of the event.

but damn.... i want to eat anything not nailed down right now. I guess when you go out and burn off a few thousand or better calories that will do that to a guy.
pretty sweet ride Tom. I think Greenhorn should build one but use a crapper instead
Well, 12 hours away and I will be in the car to drive out there. I have looked forward to this most years, but this time I developed a full blown cold (it's freaking June!) and it is supposed to rain some or most of the day. I will get it done though! Talked to my Doctor on the phone and he said as long as I do not have a fever it is cool to wear myself out and let the cold run it's course.
If the rain permits, I will try and get as many pictures of hot chicks in spandex as I can for you guys, and maybe some video.
Thanks again for all the support. Here is a few tidbits of info on why this charity makes a difference. These are cure rates from 1960 VS 2001
Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia 2001 78%
1960 4%
Wilms Tumor of Kidneys 2001 92%
1960 33%
Hodgkins disease 2001 92%
1960 52%

all sites 2001 70%
1960 28%
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