Yellowstone Tourists Continue to Impress

O.....M.....G....! (as he slowly shakes his left, to right,eyes closed, chin bowed, in total disgusted un-belief)
European tourists. Those poor bastards have not been taught any different for several generations. A girl from Denmark was training horses for a friend of mine and she was appalled that the horses had to stand out in the cold/heat. In Denmark, if the temp gets to a certain point, they have to put all animals inside. Good grief! Talk about the Bambi syndrome!

I hope those fools got a substantial fine for the great buffalo caper.:hump:
Similar event in custer state park last week. Tourist tried to pet a buffalo.
Now only to see the moronic BS being flung at the Park Service via digital media for doing what needed to be done. Would surely like to see which states these people are posting this vitriol from.
They should have to pay fines like any other criminal. To me, its not much different than if they had shot it themselves. The result was the same.
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