Gastro Gnome - Eat Better Wherever

Wyoming's dumbest antelope?


Well-known member
Aug 8, 2010
northeast Iowa
A few years back, thanks to some suggestions from this site I began hunting antelope around the Rochelle Hills area. If you have never seen that area it is beautiful. Well this is my fourth year and my brother wanted to come along and hunt antelope (archery). He is from Pennsylvania and had never been to the west. I told him I would buy the buck tag and provide all other things. He just had to get the airplane ticket. It would be nice as I have not seen him for 8 years.

He practiced all summer long with his shooting technique (40, 50, & 60 yards) and was putting arrows into a pie plate at 60 yards (kneeling). I have been successful with "Be the Decoy" and he wanted to try the adventure.

We camped in the Rochelle Hills and hunted unit #26. We chose to hunt a ranch who charged a very reasonable fee. No this was NOT a public land hunt. I wanted Mark to have a good chance at connecting and this ranch provided many antelope.. The owner showed us the ranch boundries and we were off. The first day we saw 200+ antelope with many failed stalks. The best was when Mark stalked up over a ridge to a buck with three does, wearing his "Be the Decoy" hat. To his disbelief the buck approached him to within a 26 yard range. He was so excited that he had to put his head down to his knees two times to gain his composure. He ranged the buck a drew back just as the buck turned away and looked at Mark. The only shot was a butt shoot which was not going to happen. I asked: "You needed to range him at 26 yards"? and we just laughed.

The next day Mark ended up connecting on a smaller buck. This must have been the dumbest buck in Wyoming. We spotted him over a ridge and he proceeded to walk away and down into a flat area. I drove the truck closer, on one of the ranch roads and the buck just continued to walk. Mark got out and started a stalk on the buck. Soon he was within 25 yards of the buck and the buck just stood there. This antelope had no fear of people. Mark placed a shot into the buck, a little further back then desired and a follow-up shot finish the buck.

Mu brother says: "it's not the way I envisioned it going down, however, I got my archery antelope buck". Next year will be time for improvements from the lessons learned this year. I don't think I have ever seen anyone this nervous when shooting a bow. Needless to say, I think that he's hooked.

I ended up taking a doe when rifle season opened. I'm to cheap to buy one of those expensive buck tags, LOL.


Me eating oatmeal for breakfast... it was 44 degrees two mornings.

Scenery near camp

Sunset at camp

I hunted over a waterhole for one morning with the bow. Saw some small does.

Brother's buck

My doe

Me and my brother Mark

Good luck to all
the dog
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Looks like you had a fun trip. I would likely need to find a lope like your brother's in order to be successful with a bow.
Congrats to both of you guys. Sounds like a great time. My brother and I are headed out on Oct 4th to do the same thing. I can't wait.
Congrats on getting to share this hunt with your Brother.

I would second that. We grew up in Pennsylvania and learned to hunt from dad. I have not seen him for 8 years as I do not get back to Pennsylvania that much and with him married and kids the time can be tight.

This will not be or last hunt as we are going to POW island (Alaska) this spring for a black bear hunt. Guess we are making up for lost times.

good luck to all
the dog
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That looks like an awesome hunt, just the chance to be out there and with your brother again, sounds great. Good luck on your upcoming bear hunt - and any other hunts you'll still have this year.
Sounds like a great hunt. It was good to meet you out there that one time a couple years ago glad to see your still after them.
Sounds like fun. I have a dumb young antelope by my house I have been thinking about shooting. He just stands there when you drive up to him. I figure he would taste good being just over a year old eating wheat and alfalfa his whole life. Glad to see you getting some time with your bro. 8 years is a long time.
Congrats on another successful hunt! I will probably be heading out there again next year. Maybe we'll get to meet you in person this time if you head out again!
definitely a successful hunt, you both scored, and sounds like it will lead to more fun times together. congrats

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