Caribou Gear Tarp

Wyoming Wolf Deal?

Shoots-straight: I don't know you from a bag of rocks, but I'm sure as hell not going to let you sit up on your high horse and preach to me like I'm some damn rookie.

Wyoming's plan is what it is - we're not going to change it, so why not support it rather than blaming Wyoming for the damn mess one female and a bill from Helena that caused 98% of our problem. "IF" is a big word, such as IF my aunt would have had balls, she could have been my uncle. "IF" is the only chance Wyoming has right now. PERIOD.

And IF you think Wyoming would have played ball, hunting would have been all we would have needed, you don't know didly about wolves. Hunt them for 5 years straight years and then call me a liar after you review the harvest/quota statistics.

And NO I am not a member of MSGA - I'm just a dumb ass engineer by your insinuations.
By the way - I hunt with a number of ranchers that are MSGA members and I would sure put them in a class above your status. I would be a little careful if I was you in classifying all members of any organization.

Bottom line is : Wyoming's plan is what it is - you act and talk like you want it to fail, and I quite frankly hope it succeeds.

No high horse cowboy, just stating fact. I'm just a simple man, but I know a dumb plan when I see it.

I sent in my comment supporting Wyoming's plan. They met the numbers to delist and I"m good with that. Problem is, they don't have to satisfy me.

I'm not going to educate you on the subject your obviously above that. I will say, we wouldn't need to fill a quota of 220 wolves if we had been managing them for the last 8 years. The impact on our big game would have certainly been less. If hunting wouldn't have done enough we would have been trapping them too. So it's a mute point.

I never said you were to blame, just if you were a member of MSGA, then that would mean you were aware of what went down. Ask your buds where they stand. I know there are real concerns with wildlife damage.. I understand that. Where I'm pissed is on our public lands that had to be reduced to meet the bill Barrett passed. That was wrong.

Do I think all HD's in the state will ever see more elk than today? NO! I'm not that simple. I do hope to re-address her work and improve on what we have today.
buzz,one of my good friends out there was past president of BOW,and BOWS sportsman of the year a few years back.i'm pretty sure he's in touch with what the MAJORITY of the hunters there want.A liberal judge caused the problems for Mt. and Id by lumping all the wolves into one.Wy. has stood by their plan,and I agree with it.It should have never effected Mt. and Id.To me, it was a liberal that caused that;not Wy.A liberal just like the Obama alot of you guys think is on your side.I'm surprised to see SS sending in support for Wy now.The gov't should have been out of this long ago,and let states manage as they see fit for their residents.Unless, populations went below gov't numbers
Too much gov't and liberal BS in the wolf issue.Hunting them hard in certain areas and not others in the open states will allow their spread even faster,but I hope not.Because it went on for too long, the only way your going to keep them in check is to give them predator statis really.I agree with cowboy and your numbers will reflect that very soon
A liberal judge caused the problems for Mt. and Id by lumping all the wolves into one.Wy.
IIRC, the reintroduction was part of a three state agreement. The judge didn't lump anything if that was the case. Those carts were hitched together from the get go and is why it took a change at the Congressional level to fix that. IMO, FWS delisted, the first time, them in ID and MT without doing so in WY knowing it would go to court and by doing so would force the issue to change. The 'change' was Simpson/Tester.
mixed bag,

Just because you have one friend in Wyoming who was a President of B.O.W. doesnt mean squat, I bet their entire membership is made up of less than 1/10 of 1 percent of the Resident Hunters in Wyoming. Further, this issue is not entirely an issue of just hunters...many groups have vested interests in WY wolf plan.

Thats the problem with many of these groups, they have a membership of a few hundred people and claim they speak for ALL hunters. Sounds akin to something that SFW would claim.

Further, I bet your buddies group hasnt even bothered to ask every member what they think about the wolf issue or Wyomings plan. I bet over half of the membership havent even read Wyomings Wolf plan.

Its plenty obvious that you dont know much about a guy from Indiana just schooled you.
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