Wyoming Does


Well-known member
Jul 18, 2008
Crazy, CO
Went up near Casper last week and had a great time with my dad. The road conditions last Saturday were impassible so we headed to plan B. If you are in Casper, go to Eggingtons, get the B&G plus a cinnamon roll. You will forget about bad roads.

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We wasted some time in Casper hoping the roads would dry up a bit and found passible roads and a few does that evening. A buck and tree does were bedded in the shade of the trees at the top left of the pic. I circled way around, went up through the trees and had the buck at fourteen yards and the does were at twenty. Its so cool being that close to these critters when they don't have a clue your there.

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I shot the first doe in the head while she was bedded. The group ran over the crest of the hill and then circled back down below the trees. I made a three hundred yard shot on the second doe and my hunt was over.

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The next morning we found a buck and doe bedded near a creek bottom. We snuck down the creek to 176 yards and my dad made a great shot to complete our hunt.

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Glad you are still getting to spend time in the field with your dad after his accident a couple of years ago.

I kinda want to drive to Casper just for that breakfast.
That breakfast looks fantastic! You and your dad can now make your own B & G with all that antelope meat! Congratulations on a successful hunt and spending time with your dad.

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