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write to your congressman

Ohhh the christmas tree thing, I thought this was because of the Green jello ordeal. Thanx for the clarification.
So, this is basically all about another FREAKIN' CALIF JUDGE.. :BLEEP:

Yeah, please write your congressman... and senator.. and the President. Ask them this. "Please Sir, go to Calif and kick this "legislate from the bench" lib AH right in the .................... :mad:

Oh Yeah, do something about the green jello thing too. We need another couple dozen laws for Calif Judges to ponder.

UPI. Calif Judge rules green jello unconstitutional.
In a not too suprising rulling, 6th Distict Court Judge, Ima Bleeder, found that serving green jello, in public schools, was unconstitutional, citing the 1965 Equal Rights Act.

Quoting Judge Bleeder, "The color green connotates images of 'Aliens from Mars' and could be construde as a racial slure toward all US non-naturally born habitants."

A $200,000,000 class action suit was filed by 25 San Fransisco gay parents centering upon emotional damages to their adopted children, after being served green jello in public schools. :eek:

OH, OH Better yet!

Call Congress(wo)man Libby Goodshoes and tell them to spend the $1,250,000 that would normally be spent on cutting a 'National Christmas Tree' and go to Walmart and buy a BIG D@%M artifical one! Save the trees, save some money in the long run.........