Winter Dull-drums


Well-known member
Dec 6, 2003
Frigid Ohio
BORED. Winter, without big game season $ucks!

Went out to the shed, digging through boxes/containers/shelves and started doing an overdue inventory of my reloading/ammo wares. I was far beyond surprised as to what had actually been lurking in hidden spaces for all these years.

10 rds of the Original Nosler 7mm 162gr Solid Base Boattails. (my 7RM LOVES those)

I discovered that somehow I had Win & Rem brass for my 7mm/8. No clue where the Win stuff came from, and some of it was loaded with my standby 150gr Nosler BT's!

60 rnds of 30/30 brass. Last time I had a 30/30 was in 1974, and I never reloaded any of it.

280 Rem dies. Forgot I had those. Did a 100 rnd reload job for a co-worker back B4 Desert Storm and the dies were my payment.

A set of 30/06 Hornady dies, an extra set of 7RM RCBS. (didn't know I had 2) If anyone wants them, PM me.

Enough 308 stuff to equip a squad, but I've pretty much retired the Rem 600, so have no clue what I'm going to do with it at this point.

And, how in 7734, did I wind up with that pile of 44 Mag? I know we did a lot of shooting in Fla hunting pigs, but did I buy a box every time we went hunting?

But, the highlight was the 7mm/08. A small stock pile of experimental, let's see's I never got to. RL-15, Varget, 4064. 100+rds of brass. Primers. 120's, 140's, 150's and let us not forget the fabled Nosler 162's !

BENCH TIME !!!!! :) :) :)

The public ranges won't open here in Ohio for another 3 weeks, or so. I've got some manuals to dig through...................

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