Will the Presidents Actions lead to hard lines being drawn by hunters?


Active member
Aug 4, 2015
Outside of discussions on the board, I largely kept my mouth shut during the election, as I really didn't have a dog in the fight as it were. Following the election, but prior to Trump taking office, all I heard from many many folks was "just give the new President a chance." I did that as well. Now, less than a week after the new President swore on the good book, I think that enough "chance" has been given.

Its been a busy week for The Donald and his staff.

-silencing federal scientists from interacting with the public. (scares me the most)
-Conways "Alternative Facts" concerning blatantly obvious actual facts.
-ordered a freeze on federal hiring
-reversed a planned cut on mortgage insurance for first time home buyers
-Spicer telling the press that its not their job to criticize the administration
-Gain the authority to fire Federal employees easier and without precedent
-Trumps fear filled and self grandiose speech in front of the wall memorializing all the fallen CIA officers
-Discussions of outright banning or selectively choosing media outlets allowed at press conferences
-pretty much working to undermine or reverse everything the previous administration had done.

So how long will this continue before sportsman, both Democrat, Republican and of "The Hunting and Fishing Party" finally set petty squabbles aside, draw a line in the sand an combat evil? While I cant educate myself and fight for EVERY issue, most of us have the ability to fight for THIS ONE. If millions of voices raise up, press hard for "their" issue, we may be able to at least hold back the damage this administration already seems set on doing.

I'm one of those who has been making excuses for him. I told everyone I would await his Scalia replacement before deciding. If he picks a liberal or moderate then I will continue to wait and see. If he picks a conservative then I have a lot of admissions of being wrong that I'll be making to friends and family, with my head down and my tail between my legs.
I'm one of those who has been making excuses for him. I told everyone I would await his Scalia replacement before deciding. If he picks a liberal or moderate then I will continue to wait and see. If he picks a conservative then I have a lot of admissions of being wrong that I'll be making to friends and family, with my head down and my tail between my legs.

No reason to put your tail between your legs, rather bare your teeth and enter the ring for what you feel is right.
I was in the same boat as the OP before the election. It was hard to keep an open mind but I did my best while being quite skeptical. It is hard to find anything to feel good about the events of the first week. The real question is will those that really bought into what he was selling cross the line or even care.
When this experiment wads up will the Trump voters own it?

Support your president. Non commitment before and now anti Trump is bull shit!

Less than a week, give anyone, even Trump, a chance.

Personally, I think he is the best chance we have.

I do have reservations on public land.
There's a lot of time left on this ride. I don't think any rational person could look at this first week and be proud of the direction we've headed so far. In the name of change we've given an unpredictable and egotistical primate with a chitload of money a crap load of power - existential risk power that's measured in megatons.

I am rooting for Donald Trump because as he goes will go our country. But don't get it twisted. Nothing the man says he will do anymore matters. Only what he does.


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It looks like he's starting to do what he campaigned on. So that in itself sets him apart from presidents of recent memory.

During the 8 years of Obama, Guantanamo was still open, and 2 of my friends got blew up in a war he promised to end. We doubled the debt etc..

I didn't vote for Trump and I think his nomination of Sessions for AG is terrible.
But he's following through on promises. Shocking.
I'm one of those who has been making excuses for him. I told everyone I would await his Scalia replacement before deciding. If he picks a liberal or moderate then I will continue to wait and see. If he picks a conservative then I have a lot of admissions of being wrong that I'll be making to friends and family, with my head down and my tail between my legs.

Why would you think he would nominate anyone other than a conservative? Just curious.

Support your president. Non commitment before and now anti Trump is bull shit!

Less than a week, give anyone, even Trump, a chance.

Personally, I think he is the best chance we have.

I do have reservations on public land.

I fail to see how not supporting Trump or Clinton during the election is non-commitment. Nor do I see being vehemently against his decisions as President so far, as bullshit.
I am shocked that the hunting community so far seems pretty hush hush on him silencing federal scientists and restricting/freezing funding. Being pro-public land is great and awesome, but how come that same group of advocates seem to lack the ability to speak up about the science and research that directly affects the quality of those public lands - not just for this generation, but for every generation ahead of us.

I come from a world very separate from hunting, so my anecdotes are mostly what I see online, but I really haven't seen shit from most of the community regarding this. Putting a muzzle on federal scientists could not be farther from freedom or democracy
Why would you think he would nominate anyone other than a conservative? Just curious.

I've been hanging on to a very thin reed for a very long time now, hoping that Trump was secretly a liberal, a Trojan Horse, if you will, keeping his friends close and his enemies closer. (His pre-political persona and the crowd he ran with would indicate as much.)

His recent appointments would just be getting the enemies in close. Actually doing one-better than a Team of Rivals, provided he has the ability to keep them on the reservation. He can exercise a great deal of control over his cabinet, staff and executive branch.

What he *cannot* control is a Justice appointed for life. If he appoints a conservative then my reed done snapped and I'ma drifting down the crick.
Move aside tribes. The Keystone pipeline has been approved. Full speed ahead.

If it's strictly an executive decision, then you are probably right. But if the courts are involved, then not so much. As to the APA, I don't believe he has the ability to over-ride that either, though I'm not sure.

If he starts steam-rolling judges then, well, I will hold my tongue. No sense paying interest on a debt I don't owe.

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