Wild Turkeys Push Luck


New member
Nov 28, 2001
Wild Turkeys Push Luck, Move to BBQ Town

ANETA, N.D. - A wild turkey flock may be crazy for moving to this town, which claims it holds the world's largest turkey barbecue each summer.

Wayne Short's back yard is a popular hangout for the turkeys. He said he thinks the big birds have been misinformed.

"When they find out we're having turkey barbecue instead of a barbecue for turkeys, they'll be gone like a shot," Short said.

The Turkey Barbecue and Summer Festival is held each June and attracts thousands of people to this town of about 285 people. Last year, organizers cooked 296 turkeys.

The turkeys showed up in October. They roost in the trees in Short's back yard every night and wander through the town during the day, he said.

Short spends a lot of time watching, taking pictures and shooting home movies of the birds. He's retired.

"If you watch them real close, they are artists at flying," he said.

Short said he's counted 28 turkeys.

"The toms are starting to strut and pretty soon they'll battle each other over the hens," Short said as he watched them through his kitchen window last week.

Short believes that three of the turkeys in the flock serve as lookouts and leaders.