Wifes 09 Colorado

van franke

Active member
Nov 9, 2009
As the sun was starting to set behind us on the final day of my wifes 09 antelope hunt it was looking very doubtful we would be able to get close enough to the buck and 9 does feeding 800 yards away. The only option we had was to walk straight at them and keep the sun in their eyes. We took off walking like a chinese dragon with me in the lead. The first 100 yards it didnt seem like they noticed us creeping through the tall grass. At about 600 they started moveing away at a walk like nothing was really wrong. We managed to keep it even for the next 50 yards but we were still 600 yards away. The sun was slipping fast as I stopped to locate them in the binoculars. Scanning the group I didnt see the buck, thats when I heard my wife say "he's coming." "What? Where?" "On your left" she said. As I swung to the left all I could see in the binoculars was a head bouncing through the grass like a train and I was standing on the tracks. The grass was too tall for the bipod so she threw the gun on my shoulder. The buck that was out of reach at 600 yards mere seconds earlier was now standing 75 yards away ready for war. I whispered shoot him. Where? Right in the chest. Thwack The bullet drilled him dead center and he tipped over. I looked at my wife she looked at me. Did that really just happen

This was the most amazing hunt I have been on, and to share it with my wife was awsome. The antelope isnt the 80 incher we set out for but it is memorable.


Vert cool VF. What an antelope year at your house this season.

Congrats to your wife!

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