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Why oyoa is true hunting


New member
Nov 19, 2010
Kalispell, Montana
I might be causing controversy, but since I have over 40 years of TV Broadcast
exprience and 65 years of hunting I have some very expert opinions about TV
hunting shows. That is why I have chosen OYOA as the best of the Outdoor shows.
I belive hunting is a serious sport, sprinkled with some funny incidents and some great
hunting camp humorous stories. I believe hunting with friends and even a stranger at times are the most enjoyable in life.
What I don't understand is a 30 minute tv hunting show with 12, rich, has been sports figures trying to be funny on their two thousand acre baited farms giving me 6 actual minutes of hunting. What I do like, and why I will buy from OYOA sponsers, is an entire
30 minute show of hunting, commercials included...that is what Randy and crew have come up with.
So I am about to buy the two year CD and have switched to Federal Ammo. And..why I will do all I can to promote this venture. Oh..and did you notice on the show when Randy says Tires it's Tires not Taayrs? Thanks for the podium..
Bill Bowser AKA Echo7
Kalispell, MT USA
Well said Bob! just watched the show today on antelope hunting in south central Wyoming and again it was a classy show. Too bad we can't get the others to take note! Anymore, I watch a new show just once and if by the five minute mark we are still mucking around with loud music and no show, just ads, I switch and never come back. I like the OYOA show, some of Jim Shockey and Bob Fouldrod's fine show and little more as far as big game hunting shows go.
i too really enjoy the show,real hunting like most {normal} people do every year,no guides,no private hunting ranch but on public land d.i.y,just a good time, also am supporting your sponsers,have bought 2 different montana decoys so far.
WOW Randy...... I think some people want to sign your Breasts !!!! ;)

This show has been a long time coming and glad it's here. The cool thing is everyone on the show posts on the talk forums and are all down to earth, helpfull people.
I agree with the Poopa!
interacting with the folks on the board in a nice touch. Then when I watch the program it is like watching a couple of buddies' hunting videos. I do also enjoy the lack of southern drawl. (nothin wrong with it-I'm just worn out on it for a while).
Randy....You need to take a little constructive critism from your viewers----ME. Many of the other shows have hotties. Oak doesn't do it for me. Perhaps we could start a poll for perspective FEMALE co-hosts? I'd be willing to check their creds!!
The best show on tv. My wife tells me i should have all the sponsors and every word,animal,and place put down deep in the skull.... But I do say taaars. I do do it on my own and on mostly public land..
Thanks for the kind comments guys. Nice to hear it.

As far as a Female Co-Host, I think she would have to be THE host. I have asked Mrs. Fin to join us many times, as she has killed her share of critters, but she will have no part of it. So, if I am to be on the road fifteen weeks each year, it will either be alone, or not at all. Mrs. Fin is a real tolerant wife, but a Female Co-host is not going to be in the works.

Maybe we just need a new host - a female host, with no Co-host. :rolleyes:

I appreciate your endorsement Echo. If ever you are in Bozeman, drop me a line. Would be nice to meet you and learn from your hunting and broadcast experiences.

And now that you guys have called out the way they produce those other shows............ my email box will be filled with comments from guys wanting me to do more tractor driving and food plotting with remote sensor game cameras monitoring my acres of Big Buck Buckwheat that is augmented by the Akern-flavored Deer Syrup spread on all the tree stumps, and sending such pictures to my iPhone for immediate determination of whether or not he was a "Shooter buck" or a lowly "Management deer." We need some of that magic potion to spread on the ground that will give us either "Bigger Bucks or Better Deer."

I am sure if we trick out my neighbor's electric golf cart with mudder tires and a winch, and we start shooting break-open single shot rifles with el-cheapo scopes, then hire the best outfitters to pre-scout and hang our stands, and lastly, wear one of the two popular camo patterns, big bucks will pollute the OYOA footage.

They will comment that my guest hunters are not nearly famous enough - no baseball players or guitar pickers, thus we cannot be successful. Probably will be asked to throw in some footage of five guys sitting on the front porch in rubber boots, rocking in our chairs, while a chef from Big Hank's Lodge cooks an open pit BBQ while being serenaded by some broken down rodeo cowboy who is an American Idol wanna be.

Will need to add some mid-afternoon footage of the entire crew on a couch, watching a clip on the big flat screen that shows the host's morning hunt as he fires a broad head that is like "Throwing an Axe through an animal," launched from some new bow named after an act of violent crime, and as the deer runs off with four inches of penetration just below the knee joint, we will high-five and say "That's what I'm talking about, right thare!"

Probably will need to let the buck sit overnight, even if it is 85F, knowing he will be dead in the morning. We will drive out in the golf cart, the entire posse following behind, and amazingly, the recovered buck will be a 5X6, rather than the 4X5 in the kill shot footage, and once we take pics we will be yelling out loud, "BDD, BDD," which I guess stands for Bad Dude Down.

We will use up 20 of our 22 minutes of content to talk about our great host, politic about how important it is to have crossbows used in all archery seasons if hunting is going to survive into the future, play some adolescent tricks on each other, and maybe even talk about where you can get Breeder Bucks.

Wrap it up by preaching the importance of only shooting 180" bucks, and how you can easily do so by using the best corn flingers and heated blinds. If all that fails, we will get some footage of catching carp, suckers, and catfish with our hands, all announced by some dude who is pimping prime farm ground as exclusive hunting properties with guaranteed B&C bucks.

I am sure you cannot produce a successful TV show without those props mentioned above. Obviously not. :rolleyes:

Yup, once I get all of these emails, thanks to you guys, I think I will have the inside path of how to produce a REAL hunting TV show. ;)

And if your comments don't get my email box filled, I suspect my amateur attempt at humor will accomplish the task. :D:D:D

That's funny, right there.........:p
Fin, you thought of having Garrison Keillor guest hunt with ya. Lutefisk around the campfire...yum.;)
Fin, you thought of having Garrison Keillor guest hunt with ya. Lutefisk around the campfire...yum.;)

Sure der, you betcha, eh. Uffda, dat wood be a good one, der. Get Ole and Sven out of da ice houshe and have a hell of a episode, yup.

Thats odd, I never noticed any accent or local dialect in any of my conversations with Fin.

I suspect that has something to do with you speaking the same dialect and being of the same heritage.
im an ol mississippi boy and i understood that perfectly fin! ha! ya know, i have the same thoughts about the hunt shows. after this last hunt i went on, all the hiking, the bitter cold weather, the close calls, and finally the feeling of success, it kills me to see these other guys that are hunting on these ranches, where they dont do any scouting, get dropped off at their spots, and have their game carried out for them talk about how hard theyve hunted for 3 days. oyoa definetly portrays the spirit of the everyday, regular hunter and the way we do it on a everyday basis. i refuse to go on a guided hunt, always have. thats why i too support oyoa, their sponsers, and enjoy talking with all of you on here!
I can attest to the fact that you won't find 22 minutes of BS'ing. Troy the cameraman and field producer gets hopped up if you ramble on more than 30 seconds in an interview question. I give a lot of credit to him an Loren and the production company for keeping things on track and producing a high quality show. And of course Randy does a great job even if he isn't a blond hottie ;)

Randy since you brought up the idea of an open pit BBQ after the hunt, I'm all for that. How are we going to fit a couch in that Hilleberg tent?
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