Caribou Gear

who is getting antsy for NM results?


Well-known member
Aug 22, 2002
Should see credit card hits for deer/elk here this week is my guess. With the pay up front for lope and sheep we will have no tip off
Should be soon, but there won't be any charges for deer. You have the choice of purchasing your tag or not if you are successful in the deer draw.
here in CA we get hit the end of the month, so I still got time to chill out---we drew Montana already, so I'll be headin' up that way with 4 guys around the Bozeman area in Nov for deer is the plan for now, but that may change----chris
If they're on the same schedule as last year, I expect CC hits tomarrow night with e-mails to successful applicants. Good luck everyone!!!!
On mm they are saying that CC are getting hit this morning. I believe that really only applies to elk, tho.
yep, they say if you go onto the NM website and open your account and then click on elk app, you then look to see if there was a charge since the initial application fee shown. Nothing yet for me:( still early though
Dude, you realize that you are just cursing yourself once again...

You won't draw anything but a goose egg.

I logged on to the NM website like you said. If your information is correct, I drew an elk tag for the second rifle hunt (Oct. 24-28) in either 16D or 16C!!!!!! :D I checked my account on the NM website yesterday and that charge was not there. It says NM hit my card at 3:47 am today for $535.00. I don't see that charge when I log into my credit card account with my bank though. I am not going to get too excited until I verify the tag after midnight tonight. It's going to be a long afternoon and evening.

Good luck to everyone and I hope you get you tag!
Congrats on the tag, Buschy. You're going to be an elk hunting fool this fall.
Congrats Buschy, looks like I'm going to just have to schedule all my time around my Montana sheep and goat hunts... and maybe deer B.
It's looking like I got goose-egged in NM. Congrats to any of you that did draw. Maybe next year is my year, yeah that's it, next year.
all of the charges were done really early this AM from what I read of MM and nothing after that. Maybe another round will come tonight, who knows.
all of the charges were done really early this AM from what I read of MM and nothing after that. Maybe another round will come tonight, who knows.
You just plan on staying home and punching the clown, as usual..
Also drew 16D or 16C, but for archery. probably middle season. Worst possible tag is 16C 1st archery season. Not a bad 'consolation' prize if that is the one.
Buschy must have pictures of the commissioners commiting indecent acts. All the luck.

Not complaining. Planning on spinning a few arrows in NM this year. Archery antelope an archery deer for me.

Greenie and Spitz must be on some "bad guy" list. Given the units, weapons, and seasons you applied for, you must have borrowed the same bad luck charm I had in the NV draw. Bummer.

Schmalts - 2 years in a row. What's up with that? Lucky dude.
Fin, i would trade that tag for my last choice elk if they let me... Not complaining, but really wanted to get back after NM elk after a 5 year hiatus. Looks like we will know after midnight about all the draws for sure.