Caribou Gear

Where were you?

Calif. Hunter

Active member
Dec 13, 2000
Apple Valley, CA, USA
on September 11? I was in bed, and my mother called to tell me that "we have been attacked." At that point, the news was pretty garbled and confused.
I was shocked, needless to say, when it finally became clear as to what was happening.
I was sitting on my couch eating my Wheaties and watching CNN. They had a breaking story about a fire at the WTC and went to a live picture. After about 3-4 minutes of talking about the fire, they said that there was a report that a plane may have crashed into it. Many minutes later, as they were showing a live picture of the towers and talking about a possible plane crash, the second plane hit. The guy that was talking wasn't watching the monitor, and just kept talking like nothing had just happened. I was thinking, "Jesus, another one just hit and this guy didn't even notice!"

A very surreal day, for sure.

I was at work at the TV station, laboring through another edition of "Good Morning America." They mentioned the first plane "crash," and everyone here kind of went "ooo" and shrugged it off (hardened news pros, you know). Then the second plane came in and those of us with any sense at all knew what was happening.

I can't remember ever feeling so angry and helpless at the same time as I did that day, wondering what would happen next.
I was sitting right here. My tv was on with GMA (my wife watches it I cannot stand that weepy whinny girl Diane whatever). They flashed to the WTC fire, and I saw the second plane hit. The reporter didn't know what happened. Charlie Gibson, told him it was a plane. Living 60 miles down the coast from NYC I was concerned about refugee's. I started preparing for the worse. Kept an eye on the tv to make sure they weren't coming this way.
Had just gotten to work, the first morning in who knows how long that I hadn't had the radio on. I was in the parking lot talking to the Facillities guy when someone walked by and said it was terrorists. I asked what the hell are you talking about? Merrit said a little plane just hit the World trade center. I walked in and saw the second plane hit. Spent the rest of the day (week) angry and in disbelief.
I was on my way to work when I heard on the radio that a plane had hit one of the world trade towers. I didn't think a whole lot about it at the time, I guess I had something else on my mind. Then when I got to work the second plane had struck. I got pretty interested at that point. A TV set materialized in the office and we were all glued to it, until the slavedrivers made us all go back to work. Then I remember a guy running down the hallway yelling that the pentagon had just been hit. It was quite a shock to see these attacks taking place in America.
I was at work. There was a brief announcement that there had been a terrible crash in New York. All of the TVs in the conference rooms were on and everyone in all of the offices was watching. When the second aircraft hit and it became obvious that this was more than an accident,the mood changed from sorrow for the accident to one of anger and planning for what was inevitable.


<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 09-11-2003 13:26: Message edited by: danr55 ]</font>
My wife woke me up to tell me about the first plane hitting the WTC. i knew right away it was not an accident, i called my brother up in utah to tell him to turn on his TV, a few minutes later we both saw the second plane hit! then watched the whole thing unfold and collapse! it was the most horrific event that i have ever seen in my life! and i will never forget it. If this country "ever" has another liberal president we are doomed [in my opinin]
I had already been at work for a couple of hours when a welder walked over and said that a plane had crashed into the Trade Towers. Then he walked over a little later and said that a second one had crashed into them and then the radios were turned on in my area.
Michael and I were on our honeymoon. The night of the 10th we went to a movie house and watched Pearal Harbor, went back to the hotel and went to bed, when we woke up the next morning (the 11th) the first thing I heard on the tv was "This is the worst thing since Pearal Harbor". I was scared and wanted to go home to my kids. It sure was a very sad day!!
I was just getting off the computer (Hunt Talk) when an associate from work called me of the news. I then turned on the TV to see the horrifying sight.
I was about an hour from home chasing a mulie with my bow. he gave me the slip, but I got him with a gun a month later.

Since I arrived before most of the radio stations (FM) are on in this part of MT, I was listening to an AM station out of North Dakota.

When I got back to my rig it was still on that station and they were talking about the terrorist attack, but not specifically the WTC's. Since it was AM, the reception was poor and very confusioning.

By the time I got back to the office (gov't building, there was a sign posted no entry) I picked up on most of it. I then went home and watched in utter fury as they replayed the events on TV.

I was in the Gila in NM, on an elk hunt. We got back to the truck and put on the radio and heard some DJ say something about a declaration of war was acted out. We drove off the mountain and guys were waving us down along the road to tell us what they heard. It was strange being out in the mountains and feeling a little helpless to what was happening.

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 09-26-2003 08:38: Message edited by: schmalts ]</font>
I was in my office listening to the radio and they interuped the music with the first plane. I went next door and we watched the second plane hit, then reports about PA and the Pentagon. I was so totally stunned, for I knew I was watching the end of a way of living for most of us and a destiny for our sons and daughters, no more "We're Americans, this can't happen here!" Later I was still watching TV with my neighbor (we are on the 16th floor) talking about what had happened, when I looked out the window and saw a couple of jet fighters fly into Barksdale Air Force Base, then a sight that will bring goose bumps to your skin, a large white 747 with the presidental seal on it was landing! Everthing I was listening to had flown into my town! Do you remember how strange it was for the next few days...NO PLANES, when I finally saw one again it was weird. Well, that was where I was and I do'nt want to go there again. God Bless!
I was at work in the shop when they said it on the radio.Had to call home to make sure I heard correctly.Then went to the conf. room to turn the tv on and see for myself.Me and half the company just stared in disbelief.
I was just getting out of the shower when the radio announced the first hit. I was in my car on the way to a job when the second hit.

About ten o'clock that morning, my client decided to shut his shop down and send his people home - nobody was getting anything done anyway. So I went home, too, in shock.

I was expecting Uncle Sam to call me back to the colors like he did in '96, but so far, he hasn't.

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