When to teach to shoot


Dec 17, 2000
Bountiful, Utah
Well guys, I was wondering at what age do you teach your kids to shoot? I don't mean the theory and instruction on shooting, but to actually hold a rifle/pistol/bb or pellet gun, and live fire at a target. I have an 8 year old daughter who has always been taught to respect guns, and has never touched one without coing to us and asking to see it. I know the argument "Depends on how responsible the child is." How many of us can remember our first time shooting and remember how (ir)responsible we were then?
I think your fine at 8 years old, I can remember shooting a .22 when I was 5. I begged to shoot the shotgun, so my dad let me. When it knocked me down, my dad caught the shotgun and let me fall. I think it was at least two more years before i ask to shoot the shotgun again.
8 is enough

My youngest is barely 9 and he has been shooting my 20 guage for about 6 months now. Both my sons have had a pellet gun since they were about 7. Just until about 3 months ago they can now go out by themselves on my land with their pellet guns and no adult supervision.
They also know they can not shoot anything that breathes and walks. They understand (I hope) you need a license to do this.
They know how to load my .22 semi automatic and 20 gauge. They also know about the safety, how to hold it, etc.

However each time I take them out, I"m constantly watching and observing them and constantly reminding them or showing them, do this or do that. That is how my father taught me.
I would say 8 is a good age to start them with smaller guns, then gradually move up as they get older. I can remember when I was around 6 and shooting the 4-10 and 22 my father had.

My theory is I don't want them to be scared of a gun but I want them to respect it and know how to handle and shoot one.
Shot the pellet gun in 2nd grade, moved up to the .22 at third, and in 4th my dad let me shoot his .30-06.
My friends son just got his first deer a couple weeks ago and he was eight years old.The hard part is finding a gun that fits properly.One thing to watch for is to see which eye is dominate.My son at age six was sticking his head all the way across the gun stock until I figured he was right handed and left eye dominate.I switched him to shooting left handed with both a gun and with a bow and arrow and he shoots very accuratly.Never new the difference and didn't develope any bad shooting habits.
My oldest was 4 or 5 shot her first full auto ( I only had 3 rounds in it though)when she was three or four been around guns all her life cause I was . and I was into shooting when she was growing up. both hunting and target shooting every single weekend.

My boy 13 is pretty immature and will be for a long time but I have let him shoot before as long as I hold onto the gun, and only one round in the chamber at a time.

My youngest 6 daughter hasnt pulled the trigger yet, my bad cause I dont go target shooting much anymore, she is alot more mature than my oldest daughter at the same age. so probally this year.
My nephew Travis with his first grey squirrel. He is 8 years old and is hunting with a youth model single shot .22, he has killed a couple now with this gun. He has been shooting bb guns, 22's and shotguns since he could hold one.
Cornfed stated the biggest hurdle in getting a child comfortable with shooting a gun, get one that fits. If that means buying a Model Seven Youth, spend the extra Bucks. If you need to buy a second-hand gun from a Pawn shop and cutting the stock, so be it. I started Travis on a Model 7 Youth and bought an Adult Stock a Few years to fit it, simply a few screws and a gun that fits them for the rest of their life. Good Luck, John
Mine (3 girls) started with pellet pushers at 5 and went to 22's at 7-8. Oldest is twelve and will try anything but big bores (and she doesn't care for handguns).....next up (for them) is archery tackle :)

I think the one in Whiskers vid is having "fun" but I'd be afraid that couldn't understand the concept (real guns=dead) at that age...funny vid though with the kid grinning!
age is not really the question...its when they show a competent ability to demonstrate gun safety...just stress to the kids to not handle weapons while consuming alcohol or weed.
JB said:
age is not really the question...its when they show a competent ability to demonstrate gun safety...just stress to the kids to not handle weapons while consuming alcohol or weed.

Yeah, I've had that problem with my 8 year old. :p
JB said:
age is not really the question...its when they show a competent ability to demonstrate gun safety...just stress to the kids to not handle weapons while consuming alcohol or weed.

I agree 100%.

I started the boys out with BB guns when they were 5 and 6. Then .22 rifle and so forth when I felt they were ready.
At age 3 I got a pellet gun. At age 5 I got a single shot.22. at age 7 I got a 20 gauge single shot. and at age 8 I got a 25-06 .
My 7 yr old has been shooting pellet guns for 2 years, but I tell parents that it has to be the parents decision as to when you let your kids start. I get 10 phone calls a week from parents wanting to let their 7 or 8 yr kids start hunting but want my opinion if they should allow their son or daughter to start hunting or shooting. My resonse is always the same....I don't know your child so I can't make the call, as a parent you know your child and their level of responsibility.

There are some adults that I wouldn't want around me when they have a gun.
Scottymack hit it on the head. I have seen some adults that shouldn't be handling a firearm. I started my kids out at around 5 yrs old with the old rubber band gun and paper cup targets always teaching them gun saftey as if it was a real gun. Then the bb gun and now my son at 13 has a 300 savage and waiting to take the saftey course. Will hunt with me next year carrying a weapon only "if" grades are kept up and of course he passes. Can't wait.
My dad supervised me with BB gun at 4 yrs old, I was unassisted by 6 and had free roam of the farm, started shooting the bigger guns around 9/10.
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