What's your minimum--


Active member
Jan 5, 2001
Omaha, NE usa
Bull that is---when out hunting do you have a standard you try to adhere to when it comes to horn size??

like mr spike is going down when I see him


mr raghorn is toast


got to be a 5x5


6x6 or nothing


big 5x5 or or big 6x6 or I'm eating grass----

these days I'm a big 5x5 or 6x6, but that could change in a heartbeat also--but I do try to keep to my standards when hunting--chris
The typical places I hunt, you're looking at a 3 mile minimum pack out on your back. Not worth the effort IMO, unless it's a 300 or better bull. Then again, I'm talking Colorado elk here. Maybe that's the reason I havn't shot one for a few years! ;)
for me, i would say it is everything involed in the hunt. i mean, i drive out to Co. 1800 miles, to a place where i have seen 1 6x6 shot. I am shooting the first leagal bull i see. But if i go to a spot that 300 inches are are more common i plan to hold out.
Colorado---They get bigger the closer they are to the roads...LOL At least to me... nice raghorn 1/2 mile from a road looks like a 400 bull
I think that 270+ for me(archery) Other states I would raise or lower my standards accordingly. Hard to kill nice bulls in CO other than the quality units...
If I'm drawn this year it will be an either sex tag for 1st rifle in Colorado...I agree with Elkfarmer on the long drive and limited time being a factor in a bull quality decision. Would probably take an obvious legal bull since it would be my first. I'm just not sure whether or not to take a cow or when to take one. Would a cow be like a last day situation for any of you guys?
5x5 or better

I've killed nine Colorado bull elk. The first was a spike, in 1990. Since then all have been 5x5 or small 6x6. I've let a lot of small bulls walk. Still hoping for a big 6x6 or bigger.

But I've killed twice as many cows as bulls. Nothing tastes better to me than a thick, juicy elk steak.

They have to be "big enough" for me and that's all that matters. Would depend on where I was hunting. Since 94, I've taken 11 elk, average 325, last 5 years average 340. Would like to think I'm getting pickier, but probably just luckier. Do know that if I was hunting certain places, my standards would probably be a whole lot higher starting out, but that might change during the course of the hunt.
90% of the time the regulations in British Columbia, says that it has to be 6 points on one side or greater. So its not like I have a choice. I'd rather eat moose meat anyways so I would prefer something over 300 (with 6 or more on 1 side)
it depend on where i am hunting. If i drew a tag in UT i would hold out for a 360 for the first half of the hunt. Same with AZ i guess. I havent shot much out west so i am at least trying to out-do myself every year.
In my experience numbers have ruined more hunts than just about anything else. A lot of guys come out with expectations of monster bulls. They want 350+ or nothing. Most have never seen a 300 let alone a 350. If you told them a 300 was a 350 they'd shoot it. If they never had it scored they'd be happy as can be.

I've seen guys very dissapointed over just a few inches.
It is all variable depending on where you are. Year before last, Moosie and I were 4 hours from a road with a couple of big hills to climb on the way out. We saw a spike and a raghorn 4x4. I told him if he was going to shoot, he better shoot the one with the SMALL body....
Heres the kinda bulls we hold out for.


grossed 435 with a 5' inside spread taken off the hualapai res a few years back.
4" browtine in bow season... and 4.5" in rifle season... ;)

Anymore I'd rather shoot a cow than a dink raghorn/spike though, same goes with deer... it takes just as much work to get one out, and the rack isn't really a braggn piece... I can't say that I've gotten to the point that elk hunting has gotten too easy for me yet and I need to try to go for a bigger bull or nothing. I enjoy the hunt no matter what I kill and no mater what the size. I guess I take each hunting day as they come...

I suppose if I still lived in MT, I'd have a little higher standard... but with limited time to even hunt back home anymore, I'll take what I can get...
well for me it depends on where I'm hunting and how many tags I have. Most places just a somehwhat mature bull 5x5 or better. But if I don't have an extra cow tag that year then I'll have a legal raghorn. Last year I passed on pretty decent 5x6 on a backpack hunt and so did my hunting buddy. We were pretty far back in there and we decided we wanting something bigger than what we've taken. So I guess it all depends.
depends on if i get drawn where i'd like to hunt its big but if i have to go general tag its the first leagal elk. the area i wont needs to be scouted this year the one i wonted got shot last year maybe i'll find his kids
For me any legal bull is big enough as I've not shot one yet. With my draw luck this year, looks like I might be trying ID for a bull this year. Just have to decide where...
After about 50 of them my minimum requirement is a B&C Record Book bull standing in the road I'm driving my pickup on. He has to be within 20 feet of a tree that will be suitable for hanging him in while I skin him.