What should we hunt and film?

Lots more good comments. A couple points.

When I talked about the struggle of being successful for elk, it is not successful in killing one, but getting enough quality footage for a successful episode, as measured by quality of the footage, dead elk, or not. I really don't feel that I have to kill something on each episode, and I am sure we will have at least one of two "no-kills" a year. As hard as we work at it, we are still going to have some "no-kills," just part of the experience.

Our biggest sponsor spent a lot of money on a survery of what viewers want to see more of in outdoor TV.

More of - Western big game, fair chase, information about accessibility and availability

Less of - High fives, high fences, turkeys, and whitetails. I suspect the responses are because there is already so much turkey and whitetail, not that people want to see none of that.

We scored very high on all the survey items, so we won't be changing too much, but trying to improve what we find is working.

I get the analytic reports of what the response is to each episode. Last year, our 3 elk episodes were off the charts, followed by the bear hunt, the antelope hunts, and then the turkey hunt. The deer hunts were just average. Maybe that is because they were just average episodes.

So, we are cranking up the elk hunts some. How many, who knows? The odds of getting six tags is pretty slim.

The network does not want "info and data" type episodes. They want entertainment. The hard core info stuff will have to be delivered via webisodes, but no one pays to sponsor those, other than 'Ol Fin. If I start posting webisodes, you guys better start buying any featured products, as that is the only way I can recoup any of that cost - Just kidding. You will be seeing more webisodes, and seeing them before things start airing on OC again in July.

You guys know that if I was to do a series based on what I love to do most, it would be Fin and Friends on the Pronghorn Plains. But, I have to be receptive to the recommendations of sponsors, as they want to see OYO type hunts that will provide best natural integration of their products. That has to fit in the boundaries of what our mission is. And, I am very sensitive to what viewers want to see. I put all that in the mix, see what tags we end up with, and then try to figure out schedules, knowing we can't be in multiple places at the same time, and then I hope what we put together is something of quality and is compelling to you guys.

Your input is very important to this process. I mean, what other shows go out to a website and ask for input on what they should hunt? Well, here are the names of those shows.


Thanks again for the input so far. Will consider it all, within the context of the other sideboards we operate in.

I think you answered your own question.
Shave some of the elk & muley hunts and head north to Alaska. Just don't go to any of my hidey holes.
Bio - what do you mean by that? Seriously, I am interested to know if something in my post makes people think this request for input of our viewers "boils down to money."

And, thanks for calling Outdoor Channel. I appreciate you telling them about our show. They do put a lot of weight into the calls and emails they get.

Just an old man's cynicism reacting to your comments about sponsors and the integration of their products into the shows. It's simply a fact of life that money drives the markets, no matter what the product. Doesn't make it right or wrong... just the way it is.
Please don't take offense. I meant no slight against you or your show. If there is any slight meant, it's toward the sponsors or OC for their stance on things. But it's supposed to be a free country... they can spend their money where they want, and so can I... Maybe?
I too think it appears a bit too weighted towards elk even though there is definitely something special about them. The idea of holding a couple of spots open for the special draw hunts like sheep, goats, and moose isa good one. Bear is cool and so is a predator hunt once in a while. How about a pheasant hunt?

There are definitely too many whitetail shows on TV but living a bit further west then where the majority of those hunts take place it would be nice to see a whitetail episode shot in an area where I hunt such as an open prairie-farmland-cattail slough type of hunt. The never ending tree stand hunting get old given there isn't much of it that takes place around here though I do realize it is obviously much easier to film in such a situation.

How about an episode show a first time deer hunter. From shooting practice, to the hunt, and on to the processing. No deer hunting experience is complete until the great weekend of sausage/jerky making is done.

Went through it with my oldest this year (he requested and we did turn his entire dee into jerky) and will do it again with the next child this coming fall. Child or an adult new to the sport, there is little that tickles me more then seeing the smile on a first-timers face when a hunt reaches a happy ending.

Just a couple of thoughts and worth every penny you paid for them. :)
Just an old man's cynicism reacting to your comments about sponsors and the integration of their products into the shows. It's simply a fact of life that money drives the markets, no matter what the product. Doesn't make it right or wrong... just the way it is.
Please don't take offense. I meant no slight against you or your show. If there is any slight meant, it's toward the sponsors or OC for their stance on things. But it's supposed to be a free country... they can spend their money where they want, and so can I... Maybe?

Unfortunately it takes money to produce TV shows and lots of it. If you guys actually knew the costs for each hunt you'd soon realize why there is stress and why it can become more of a "job" rather than a "fun" hunt. I don't know how Fin handles it. Again the only way to pay the bills it to have sponsors and you have to somehow make them feel like they are getting their moneys worth. It would be awesome if money or time wasn't an issue. I think everyone on the site could add something unique and cool to many hunts.
Unfortunately it takes money to produce TV shows and lots of it. If you guys actually knew the costs for each hunt you'd soon realize why there is stress and why it can become more of a "job" rather than a "fun" hunt. I don't know how Fin handles it. Again the only way to pay the bills it to have sponsors and you have to somehow make them feel like they are getting their moneys worth. It would be awesome if money or time wasn't an issue. I think everyone on the site could add something unique and cool to many hunts.

And I don't doubt what you say one little bit...
Big Fin,

I agree with some of the points already made:

1. Make sure a couple of planned episodes can be trumped by a lucky sheep, goat, or moose tag.
2. I would love to see one "wild card" episode each year. Javalina, Ibex, Barbary or wolves.
3. I would dump an elk hunt for a muley hunt.

The only original idea I could come up with was to give you an antelope tag, a handful of granola bars, an atlatl and a loin cloth. At this point, you're cut loose on the Wyoming prairie for five days to see what transpires. Kind of a cross between OYOA and Man vs. Wild. I promise you this would be your one-way ticket to multiple Golden Moose awards next year:D

You already have the best hunting show on TV. Now it's just a matter of putting distance between you and the wannabes. Just my two cents (which I am told doesn't count for much!)
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I like all the species you listed, but like others would like to see moose and caribou. I have a new idea as well.

How about a show dedicated to showing people how to plan, get maps, read maps, use a GPS...stuff like that...an informational episode with actually no hunting. Just a thought. That is something none of the other shows have done that I can recall. I believe there are people who know all this already, but I'm sure there are just as many who do not.
You might consider a SE Alaska black bear hunt. Very doable, amazing video footage, and isn't that big of a stretch for an On Your Own Adventure. It would also, perhaps, allow you to get one episode in the can in the Spring Time.

Last time I was there we had porposies (or dolphins?) running along the front of the skiff, amazing lighting in May, whales, crab for dinner, etc....
You might consider a SE Alaska black bear hunt. Very doable, amazing video footage, and isn't that big of a stretch for an On Your Own Adventure. It would also, perhaps, allow you to get one episode in the can in the Spring Time.

Last time I was there we had porposies (or dolphins?) running along the front of the skiff, amazing lighting in May, whales, crab for dinner, etc....

Come May 2, 2010 I will be in Petersburg, AK packing my gear for the forest service cabin I have rented. Only accessible by boat or air. Should be a great one, even if I don't find Yogi or BooBoo.

Glad to know that one is already being anticipated. Wasn't sure if guys would have any interest in non-guided spot and stalk AK black bear.
Anything OYO in Ak, I have family in soldotna. The whitetail shows are not attainable to the average hunter. Same people doing the same thing over and over. BORING. dont watch those anymore. Dont matter how much T/A they throw in.
I second Bugler with the "Ive got 5 tags in my pocket and will shoot whatever shows up" show! That would be pretty cool.

I also think that Coyote shows are great. Coyotes are something that everyone can hunts within a few miles of home all year long for dirt cheap. Smoke 5 of 6 coyotes in a half hour show, I'd watch that! But then again I watch pretty much all of them so in the end I will watch whatever you put on TV.

A TRADITIONAL muzzleloader hunt would be cool as well
I think a wolf hunt would turn a lot of heads...If it can be pulled off.
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Don't forget about youth hunts.Our future to hunting and your sponsors future to more sales.Just not the kind where they grab a kind and have him or her pull the trigger but help them earn/learn something.
It looks like there's been plenty of feedback and I don't doubt that whatever you decide, the season and shows will turn out to be excellent Randy. I think the show and the OYOA method of pursuing game in and of itself will continue to attract viewers because it's how most everyone hunts, and tags and hunts are aired in a manner that makes them attainable for all of us.

With you being asked to be the trigger man in your shows, will you still be able to produce a show of someone else's hunt if a rare tag is drawn? I hope so.

Also, you mentioned you don't plan to do another turkey hunt based on the viewer polls, however, you were nominated for a Golden Moose Award for the quality of your last turkey episode. Just curious as to the reasoning, but I imagine it never hurts to bat 1.000 in a given field.

Finally, I agree that 6 elk shows may be a bit of overkill with the various options you present and if you produced a 2 episode AK hunt, my vote would be to take them both out of your elk hunt numbers and continue with your plans of 2 antelope episodes. It's rare to find an antelope episode that portrays the hunt the way you can and I doubt 1 hunt would satiate your viewers.

Best of luck to you and the rest of us in the upcoming draws.
.........and continue with your plans of 2 antelope episodes. It's rare to find an antelope episode that portrays the hunt the way you can and I doubt 1 hunt would satiate your viewers......

Ah, Spitz, you are a man of great wisdom.
I personally like the mule deer and elk hunts while the turkey and bear don't interest me as much as it does others on this site. However, I will watch whatever you choose to film because of the principles of the show.

I have always liked the primary purpose of this site and the show...OYO...I know too well that harvesting something is not the means by which we measure the success of a show or the successes of our hunts. In fact, every now and again it is nice to see others work their _ss off and not get anything.

Toward that end, it is extremely motivating to see the pictures of the nice animals that were taken in the spirit of OYO by the member of this site. It is the hard work, dedication, and perseverance of hunters (or Stone Cold Killers) like Greenhorn, Idaho Bugler, Ridgerunner, Buschy, Moosie, Mtmiller, and countless others whose successful hunts show us beginners that it can be done!

I do think it would be of value to new viewers to see just how many OYO hunters are having success (Killing Monsters) across this great country! A few photos of some of these OYO hunters while the credits role would be a nice touch.
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