What does it take to hunt bears in Montana....


Grand poopa
Dec 9, 2000
Boise, Idaho
I go to the Montana Web page to buy the tag and there is a test. I take about 15-20 mins to go through the test and when I’m done it tells me You got 100% with only 80% needed. SCORE, I’m a stud.

So I hit the button to submit it to the Department instead of printing it out and and the screen goes away. So I go to the purchase spot and fill out all the stuff and then there is a Spot for the Bear ID # to put in… I think, Crap, I didn’t see a number and don’t want to wait to get one in the mail so I’ll take the test again and print it out. This time I didn’t read all the stuff and recognized some o the pictures and the test was like 11 mins. I hit the print results out and… POOF, screen gone.

So I think I need to take the test again… oh, I know what a black bear and a Grizz is by now, Sometimes I’m hitting the "YES, It’s a Black bear button before the screen regenerates. And when I’m done .. POOF, screen gone.

I tried this a couple times thinking it’s out Firewall, and finally come to the realization it’s probably MDT trying to mess with me because for my Email address I used [email protected] and figure I better call them to see what the problem is.

I call Thomas "Something or other" in Montana and he tells me that I have a popup blocker and need to disable it. So……. I do. I’m taking the test now at speeds that is unbelievable for most to comprehend, I know the Answers before the Questions pop up, I have the test down to close to 38 seconds…. No, It’s a Griz Dam it !!!! I know there are Tan Black bear, I took this test 15 times, just friggin remember what I put in !!!!!

Take a breath…….take 3 red pills and move on…..

Alright, Here I go. I get past that part and print it out, NOW I have the Number, Buuuahahah I beat the system, the rest is Easy. I click on the "I’m not a Resident, here’s my address" and put in the info I pick Bear tag….. and Nope, you haven’t bought a HUNTING ACCESS ENHANCEMENT. OHH, I didn’t know….. So let me buy me one of them. Now hit Purchase. Guess what it gave me… Yep, Another error… I need me a "CONSERVATION LICENSE". DAM it, this is worse then Idaho. So I line up all the tags and hit the button.

So I get all the tags I need and it tells me to put in the Bear test ID #. So being the Smart guy that I am, I left that screen open and hit the Copy Paste command. Screw all that typing. So I hit the Purchase button and ….. Yep, you got it, the numbers wrong. So I fiddle faddle with it and after about 15 mins. MAN, what does it take to get a tag in Montana ?!??!! I cut and paste it again… only after filling out my info again…. Still no luck, DAM IT !! Alright, type it, maybe the cut and paste doesan’t work… no, that’s not it. Let me try part of the number, it has to be something. I realize it doesn’t accept the whole number, just the last 12 number/letter combinations.

So off to the CC input, Yah, my expiration date is here and Need to get a new card…..

To top it off I call the wife and tell her, Yah, this Knock down over the phone fight breaks out. I felt like I was in a hocky game. Maybe I forgot to say I was hunting Montana for bear ths spring ? Wish me luck when I get home tonight……

Is it really worth going to Montana for a bear ?!?!?! <O:p</O:p
shhheeeesh...doesnt sound like its worth it a all.. I wish you the best of luck when u get home hump
I'm not dead yet..... I was pretty busy with the kids doing activitys since I came home then came in here. She's reading right now. Hopefully it's a Romantic book so I won't get punched in the face ;)

I wonder if doing the dishes would help :eek: .... nahhhhhhh :D
I still have to figure out how to explain I need to send off for CO bonus point and 3 species in AZ. Best to tell in advance, but scary too. Bears will be fun, money well spent.
I thought all it took to hunt bears in MT was a twelve pack and a stack of dollar bills???