Yeti GOBOX Collection

Welfare ranchers, outfitters, file wolf lawsuit


Well-known member
Jan 9, 2001
Laramie, WY
I'll be....who'd a thunk it?

I wonder who will get their lawsuit in quickest, the wolf supporters or the wolf haters? Both groups are equally as messed up, IMO. Fighting a battle they will only lose...but heres a great way for all you wolf haters to spend some of that coin.

Anti-wolf group gears up for legal attack in Idaho

BOISE, Idaho (AP) - The Idaho Anti-Wolf Coalition is trying to raise money to file a class-action lawsuit asking the federal government be ordered to eliminate wolves from Idaho.

Coalition founder Ron Gillett of Stanley told a news conference Sunday said that increasing wolf populations across the state are putting stress on wildlife, outfitters and ranchers.

''I am afraid we are about to experience the biggest wildlife disaster in Idaho's history,'' Gillett said. ''Something must be done immediately, because the Canadian gray wolf population has exploded to the point of decimating Idaho's big game herds.''

Coalition member Bill Campbell of Nampa said many outfitters and hunting guides are having a hard time with game shortages.

''That's what brought this whole thing together,'' said Campbell. ''There are outfitters who are literally going out of business because hunters come in from all over to hunt big game and don't see anything. Then they never come back.''

Research from the Nez Perce Tribe indicates that wolf populations are decreasing in some areas because as packs grow the territorial animals roam into less desirable territory.

''The density of wolves in a given area is pretty much fixed. That is all the wolves you are going to have in an area.'' said Curt Mack, director of wolf recovery in Idaho for the Nez Perce Tribe.

Because the density of wolves in particular areas is not growing, predation of elk by wolves will likely increase across the state but won't increase in localized areas.

Researchers say that elk account for about 80 percent of the diet of wolves, while deer makes up the rest. An average wolf pack probably eats 80 to 100 elk per year, said Curt Mack, director of wolf recovery in Idaho for the Nez Perce Tribe. He guessed wolves kill about 2,500 to 5,000 elk per year.

''The pressure on elk is distributed over a larger geographic area, but the pressure and wolf predation on elk within an occupied territory remains the same,'' Mack said.

The lawsuit is meant to force federal officials to dispose of the animals through any means necessary.

''There's just no way that you can trap all those wolves. You can trap some, and that would be the humane thing to do. But the fact is they're a predator and you've got to deal with them one way or another,'' said Nampa rancher and coalition member Bill Campbell.

Organizations in Montana and Wyoming share that sentiment and the coalition hopes they will join in the lawsuit, Campbell said.

The Idaho group is gathering funds and plans to hold a dinner and auction Aug. 22 in Nampa. The coalition hopes to raise about $100,000 for its legal efforts by spring.

The coalition has not yet decided whether it will seek damages in the suit, but Gillett said it is a possibility that they will ask that the federal government and some environmental groups pay an unspecified amount for each wolf-killed elk.

The latest estimates of Idaho's wolf population place it around 284 and composed of about 19 packs. The numbers come from the 2002 gray wolf status report produced by the Nez Perce Tribe. Gillett's coalition estimates the population has reached between 700 and 1,000 animals.

AP-WS-08-11-03 1103EDT
How about if all you wolf haters in SI start putting your money where your mouth is and send some $ to Ron Gillett!

There's a real buncha crackpots for ya, but you'll fit right in, so get out that checkbook and show us how serious you are about getting rid of wolves.
It's time to put up or shut up!
Well in my observance as outdoorsman[street bioligist] i would say that the drought has had more of a negative impact on wild game than all of the predator`s.
And by the way Ithaca i send a check every month to a citizen`s militia group in sierra vista AZ. to help stop the illegal`s, and i don`t quite get your put up or shut up statement, everyone has their own opinion as to what is the most important priority.
Well, cj, we have a few loudmouths here who imply that wolves are the worst thing that ever happened. Even worse than illegal immigrants! I bet they don't contribute one penny to any group that's trying to get rid of wolves!
<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>we have a few loudmouths here <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

And your the loudest ithaca

Here is a special message for you


Oh, and have a nice day
mike, Ya got a real feminine lookin' ass there!

BTW, "And your the loudest ithaca" What you mean is "you're". It's a contraction of "you are". Please look up "your" in the dictionary.
Put a comma after "loudest" and capitalize "Ithaca". It's difficult for me to suffer fools.

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 08-11-2003 22:20: Message edited by: Ithaca 37 ]</font>
Filing a lawsuit to get the wolves removed by any means necessary will only delay the delisting. This is just dumb and I doubt that $100K will cover the legal costs. I can't imagine the amount of paperwork they will have to go through...

Instead of pushing for removal that ought to be putting their efforts into finding out and suggesting realistic alternatives for population control.

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 08-12-2003 08:03: Message edited by: 1_pointer ]</font>
since when has anybody on this board give a shit about spelling

Give it rest ya old kook.

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 08-15-2003 22:23: Message edited by: michaelr ]</font>
Here's more news. I doubt all the big talkin' outfitters are going to fork over any bucks for this lawsuit. Talk's real cheap and when it comes right down to it they know Gillett is a looney tune. Of course as long as it doesn't cost them anything they'll act like he knows what he's doin', but when he hits them up for some $ they'll run and hide!

"GREEN RIVER -- Wyoming Outfitters and Guides Association members are closely watching anti-wolf group's efforts to sue the government over wolf reintroduction in Idaho and will consider offering financial support.

The Idaho Anti-Wolf Coalition is trying to raise money to fund a class-action lawsuit asking the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to eliminate wolves from Idaho.

A lot of WOGA members support the lawsuit and hope it succeeds, Afton outfitter and WOGA member Maury Jones said in an interview.

"We're definitely watching this ... we're on their side emotionally, but we haven't had time to get together collectively and decide what we're going to do ... whether we're going to donate some money or what," Jones said.

"We would like to sign onto the suit, yes, but I'm speaking unofficially here ... that's after talking to some of the guys," he said.

"Frankly, wolves are not only going to destroy the outfitting industry, they're also going to destroy Wyoming's wildlife," Jones said. "We would love to see the suit be successful.. not just because we're wishing and hoping, but because we honestly believe the Endangered Species Act (ESA) has been violated in numerous ways" with wolf introduction.

Coalition founder Ron Gillett of Stanley, Idaho said in a phone interview the lawsuit aims to force federal officials to dispose of the animals through any means necessary.

He said organizations in Montana and Idaho share that sentiment and the coalition hopes they will join in the lawsuit. Several Montana groups in particular, Gillett said, have indicated they will support the suit.

He said coalition is gathering funds from a variety of sources and has scheduled a dinner/auction Aug. 22 in Nampa, Idaho, in an effort to raise $50,000 to help fund the suit. He said the group hopes to file the suit by the spring of 2004.

The group consists of a variety of interests, he said, including cattle ranchers, sheep producers, sportsmen, outfitters "and anybody who is being impacted or sees what this gray wolf is doing to this state and its rural economy."

Gillett said the anti-wolf coalition would gladly welcome any support from Wyoming's outfitters, though they haven't received any official support from any organization in Wyoming yet. "Maury and other outfitters are the kinds of guys we want to get on the team," he said.

The latest federal and tribal estimates show Idaho's wolf population at about 285 animals and Wyoming's wolf population at over 300 animals. But Gillett said the population could be several hundred wolves higher.

Gillett said the coalition earlier this year hired environmental policy researcher Helen Franklin to assist with the suit. Jones said the WOGA has met and discussed the wolf situation with Franklin and also donated some money to help fund the position.

Both men said a key point of the suit will be the plaintiff's contention that the gray wolf is not native to the region. "Its Canadian and there's no evidence the Canadian gray wolf ever inhabited Wyoming," Jones said.

The WOGA has been involved in other wildlife-related lawsuits. In 2000, the WOGA lost a lawsuit the organization filed against the Game and Fish Commission that challenged Wyoming's hunting license distribution system.

The suit sought to overturn the state's method for distributing deer and elk licenses to out-of-state hunters, but a federal judge ruled that the state's system did not unconstitutionally impinge on the rights of nonresident hunters and resident outfitters."

How much money are the big talkers here in SI going to send Gillett?