Yeti GOBOX Collection

Watch this episode!

Big Fin

Staff member
Dec 27, 2000
Bozeman, MT
Below is a link to a person, his wife, and a struggle that is hard to imagine.

Here is the link.

Here is a video preview.

I was lucky to get to know Patrick and his wife Jessica, as part of my involvement with the Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation. I hope all of you watch tonight's episode of RMEF Team Elk on Outdoor Channel.

This episode is so much about life, the challenges put in front of us, and how some families can reach deep within and find a level of courage and resolve that leaves the rest of us wondering how so much can be overcome. Those who persevere and provide inspiration to the rest of us.

When I had a dinner with them at RMEF Elk Camp in March 2012 and again in 2013, I could have never imagined Patrick could progress to the point where he might someday be able to go elk hunting. Yet, Patrick and Jessica could imagine that; they dreamed that. The fact Patrick and Jessica have been able to get this far is a testament to the human spirit.

I have seen the preview of this episode. It is very moving. Maybe my appreciation is due to following Patrick and Jessica as they have traveled an unimaginable journey. Yet, I suspect those who watch will share an equal appreciation for the sacrifices made by those in uniform, and the same sacrifices shared by their families.

If you only watch one outdoor TV episode this year, make it this one. I can promise it will provide some perspective. Thanks to Patrick, Jessica, and all the families who sacrifice greatly in service for our freedom. I am deeply moved by your story and forever in debt to you, and to all service members and their families.

I can't help but think about some of you on this forum who have went through hell and back in service to our country. Yeah, John Cushman, I'm thinking about you ..... and some others. Thank you is not enough, but I hope it will suffice.
I did watch this show the other day! It is actually why iSUPPORT THE RMEF and our MEN &Women who serve this Great Country!
I watched this episode on TV last night with my 14 year old son. We were both amazed with Patrick's desire to hunt. I know of several people more mobile than he is, but have given up hunting. Patrick has a spirit to live life to the fullest no matter what the situation is, something that I don't see often.

PS -It looked like the Express UU Bar Ranch would be one heck of a place to hunt, but their list price is out of my acceptable range.
What a great episode! It was an incredibly humbling experience hearing what this man endured and overcame and then seeing him accomplish harvesting an elk!! I have a hard time finding an elk to harvest without any physical limitations!
I think the next time I am whining about the distance to that next ridge I will be thinking about him and so many others like him.

Thank you sir for your service, sacrifice and inspiration.
Randy, I got a Chance to watch the show last night. It was every bit an eye opener has you said. I think some times that we may lose the true feeling of taking the life of an animal and take for granite the ability we have to go hunting with two arms and legs. I am not real religious but I still give thanks for the taking of an animals life. Thank you for all you do to help us still have the land to hunt on. My wife and I are planning our first Montana mule deer hunt this year. As a matter of fact I got my Denver tent delivered yesterday.
I don't have cable or a dish:eek:. It's winter in Wisconsin so I head to the dive bar on weekends to BS about hunting, work and politics. I made sure they put on the hunting show and told my buddies to watch this one. We raised a glass to honor this guy for his service to our country. I don't know if he visits hunt talk, but if he does and wants to kill a dinky WI deer he can contact me anytime! Hunting with Patrick would be an honor.


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This episode really made me proud to be a RMEF member. If I wasn't I would have been now!

If you happen to see this Patrick. Thanks!
Great job RMEF....and by all involved. I saw this the other day and even had my wife watch the end. I was so happy to see him just be out in God's country. I never served in the Military but my Dad landed on Utah Beach on June 6, 1944. I am always thankful for those brave Men and always proud of all of service men and women.

Thank you for your service.
Inspiring story. Fantastic production by Team Elk. The music was especially evocative.

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