Yeti GOBOX Collection

Wanna Hunt MOOSE in IDAHO?!?!? Now ya can :)


Grand poopa
Dec 9, 2000
Boise, Idaho
Commission Approves Nonresident Moose Hunting
Meeting in Boise January 18, the Idaho Fish and Game Commission voted unanimously to allow nonresidents to apply for moose permits in the controlled hunt drawings.

They will be able to draw up to 10 percent of available permits. This year antlered permits will total 1003, up from 888 last year. Antlerless permits will total 147, up from 123. Up to 115 of the total could go to nonresidents. This is the first time nonresidents have been eligible to apply.

Although some nonresidents have threatened a lawsuit if not allowed to apply, Commissioner Roy Moulton of Driggs made it clear that it was "not fear of litigation, but an issue of fairness" that prompted him to support the proposal. Commissioners Mark Gibbs of Grace and John Burns of Carmen agreed.

Nonresidents will pay $1514.50 in tag, permit and application fees to apply for the moose permits, including the application fee and permit fee, in addition to the $128.50 hunting license. The tag and permit fees are refunded to unsuccessful applicants, but the hunting license fee is nonrefundable. The application period for moose and other trophy species runs from April 1 - 30. The rules brochure should be available at license vendors and on line in the first week of March.

10 Percent Rule Clarified
The Commission also addressed the "10 percent rule" which limits issuance of controlled hunt permits to nonresidents. In all controlled hunt drawings, nonresidents will be eligible for up to 10 percent of permits by species. In the past, nonresidents were eligible for 10 percent of permits in each hunt, or one in hunts with 10 or fewer permits. In the case of a species having many hunts with few permits in each, nonresidents have drawn up to 25 percent of permits because of the "one, if fewer than 10" rule. In the future, they will not be eligible for more than 10 percent of permits for any species.

For bighorn sheep the rule will be phased in over three years. Under a proposal offered by Commissioner John Burns of Carmen, bighorn permits this year will be allocated as in the past. Since the number of permits for California bighorns has been reduced from 43 to 13, there will still be a reduced number of nonresident permits. In 2002, the quota will be half of full implementation of the 10 percent per species rule and in 2003 and after it will be fully implemented. California and Rocky Mountain bighorns will be regarded as one species for the purpose of this rule. The lottery and auction sheep tags, which by law must be from the nonresident pool of tags, will be extra tags added after the numbers for each hunt have been determined.

TAlk to Moosie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have a 45" Moose tied up for ya!!!

<LI> AKA Moose Hunter


Correction to Moose Permit Story..........

A news release dated January 22 incorrectly separated potential nonresident moose permits into the categories of antlered and antlerless. The ten percent nonresident quota will actually come from those permits combined, not separated. The release should read:

Meeting in Boise January 18, the Idaho Fish and Game Commission voted unanimously to allow nonresidents to apply for moose permits in the controlled hunt drawings. They will be able to draw up to 10 percent of available permits. This year antlered permits will total 1003, up from 888 last year. Antlerless permits will total 147, up from 123. Up to 115 of the total could go to nonresidents. This is the first time nonresidents have been eligible to apply.

<LI> AKA Moose Hunter


Just out-a curiosity, Is anyone Interested in hunting Moose in Idaho or does the price make it so no-one wants to?!?! Just wondering... Any thoughts?!?!

<LI> AKA Moose Hunter


Moosie, Do I really have to answer that question. YES I am interested. Is it still once in a lifetime? I have seen quit a few moose were I used to Elk hunt north east of Soda Springs.

Thats alittle pricey for this boy. The good
thing about it is if you drew, you wouldn't
have any problem killing one. It took me
less then half a day to put one in front of
my 80 year old gramdpa. A 1/2 mile stalk and
and a decent shot from his open sighted 30-06, and it was all over. Made ol Gramps feel
like he was 16 again

Ya I guess I was just wondering is Someone would Pay the Money to come here and Shoot one when AK produces Much bigger ones.....

Yep, Still ONCE in a lifetime.. So Moosies Done.....
Can't wait to go again, whether it is with my Boys or someone else

<LI> AKA Moose Hunter


Moosie, a big Shiras Moose is a different animal Than a big Alaskan bull. Also the over all cost of the Idaho hunt is much cheaper than the Alaska hunt.
Interesting, what 18 years of wolves will do to tag allocations almost half as many tags available as compared to 2000. Everyone in Idaho should buy wolf tags and go hunt them, this makes me want to pick up wolf trapping.