Voters Shift in Favor of Kerry

Ithaca 37

New member
Mar 4, 2001
Home of the free, Land of the brave
Say Ithica are you planning to fill in for ElkGunner during his absence? I was just curious because I know where the poll was taken and how it was biased. :rolleyes:
The Galup poll, like that article shows the job approval for Bush going up in the last month. I think the war in Iraq has gone really well, despite what a lot of the critical news covers about it.

I saw a guy on Fox last night who was with soldiers who were drawing machine gun fire from a mosque only to have a few US snipers shoot a few shots back into the mosque.

That's a hard way to do a war.

Isn't the LA Times a liberal newspaper, so it would make sense Kerry would do better there?
And Tom you are certainly aware how the LA Times conducts their polls! (From subscribers and the LA Phone book, totally without bias you see.) :rolleyes:
paws, "Say Ithica are you planning to fill in for ElkGunner during his absence? I was just curious because I know where the poll was taken and how it was biased."

Well, now that you brought it up, maybe I will fill in for the recently departed. :D How was the poll biased?

Are all the polls in fecl's link that show Kerry ahead biased?
Thanks FeclNogn. At least you can take a look at their approach. It jappears to be as unbiased as they could make it.
Well, the LA times is in California for one thing, one of the most liberal places on earth.

That's representative of that area and its not the vote in Nov. that counts.
LA Times pulls their surveys from their subscriber list and uses the LA phone directory. As Tom pointed out California is a Liberal base and LA is even more so. One other thing though. There apparently was a Gallop poll done at virtually the same time as the LA Time poll with very similar results. That link that FeclNogin provided has some pretty good stuff. Follow the link they provide that shows I think it was labeled "Assumptions and something else maybe Inference orsomething like that. Amyway there approach is solid. If you don't fill in for ElkGunner this place may becpme a wasteland! :eek: