Vipe finally gets a chance for a shot.


New member
Mar 28, 2001
Ohio but my heart is always in the woods
but she never gets a clear lane for it :( .

Vipe and I were the only ones going out Saturday afternoon to hunt. (TE stayed home and LN stayed at camp and Fred Jr was helping a the local friend)

So as she asked where I wanted to hunt I decided to just go with her with this on my mind
. ;) I left her choose where we would hunt and as we go in we end up jumping up 2 deer. Of course we wasnt ready and they go away. So we go down the pipeline and set up until it started raining :( . We leave and go back to van and as soon as we get there it stops raining.

WE go to another area and as we go in I see 2 deer in a field across from the one we are in. So Vipe goes to put the sneak on em and gets close(25 yards), But the bushes are still so tangled that there is no clear shot and she cant get any closer without spooking them. They finally go away and Vipe is still happy because that is the closest to any shot she ever has had in 4 years.

But wait there is more.

We walk a bit to a trail I know of and I again see another deer going away from us. Vipe goes again and she tells me she got to within about 40 yards of the deer which was a spike buck. She ends up spooking him away. LOL

So that is the story and I am sticking to it.

Maybe this will be her year ;)
It will happen ,keep up the hard work vip.
Getting that close is great ,what a rush.
How long is your season?