va turkey


Oct 9, 2012
Ashland Va
Turkey season opens tomorrow here in va in the morning didn't hear any gobbling this evening so it doesn't look great for in the morning, but hopefully ill be posting a pic of a big ol tom!
ND. opened today . Had bunch of jakes in range, but let em walk cause there was 5 longbeards in the main place I am hunting.2 nites ago. Hope to find them. 1 had a paint brush. Saw 4 more toms on land I cant get on till next week.. Hunting this private land stuff sure sucks compared to AZ. where it was all public. You just went. No asking. Going back out after a nap. Good luck to all......BOB!
The gobbled I was after did the exact opposite of what he had been doing and flew across a power line where I had no permission. I called him all the way to the edge but he wouldn't come back across. I'm gonna stay after him he will mess up one day and I'm gonna be there when he does.
I caught a nice one on Saturday. :D Ended a couple year turkey drought for me.

Another bust today; had located four gobblers running together along with about 15 hens, feeding in the same field Sun. and Mon. mornings. I had to wait 'til today for my uncle to arrive, first light came and the swamp was a cacophony of gobblers. We picked out at least 13 voices in all directions but they wouldn't respond to calls, decoys, nothing. When they hit the ground all we could do was watch them feed, not even much courting activity, and they all had lock jaw. We decided to drive out to Camp LeJeune to pick up my cousin's boat and motorbike before he ships out to Afghanistan for the third time, got back and found where a flock had been scratching in the leaf litter within 15 feet of our blind while we were gone. Bummer!
tarheel - those birds do have a nasty way of ignoring a guy for a while only to show up after your patience wears out.

Better luck next time.
Another bust again this morning. Nobody was talking this morning, had a gobbler gobble twice wouldn't answer me. Then nothing else all morning.
Got me a VA turkey yesterday!

I'm pretty sure the bigger boy was shot from the road (has happened before) cause I haven't seen him since Friday - The good and bad of having a rural office location.
I called this one in yesterday before work...
Had another tom and 5 hens with him. I just mimicked the boss hen enough to tic her off and she came to run me off, the rest is history.
No field pic because I was alone and had no camera. Was a quick hunt and had to get skinned and in fridge quick to get to work (and temps were warming up fast - stinking things!).

It's only going to get better as the hens nest up. Good luck all!

1st off congrat's to you Va boys on a couple of nice birds. So far I'm getting my butt wooped !

2nd hunt in Va. Awesome morning
But...... Big Tom won again this year. Few birds were talking. I had my back to a creek and looking up a hardwood ridge from the bottom. I'm set up where I saw this Boss Tom last year but could not get the shot. So this year I set up and was waiting on him. He never gobbled. I got a gobble from a bird down the creek about 150 yards and he's making his way to me so I repositioned myself to the left and the bird is coming. He's about 75 yards out and all of a sudden this Big Bad Boy comes running in quite ! He's 15 yards from me at 5o'clock and Nothing I could do but sit and hope for him to walk behind a tree. He did but he bolted as I started my turn, up through the low brush. It was exciting ! So maybe tomorrow. LOL I have heard a dozen or more birds in the area and I know he is one of the biggest I've ever seen. No one hunts this are so it's safe to say these birds get big.
Those "sneaky Pete" birds that show up without announcing themselves are truly, wonderfully frustrating. Glad that you have these birds all (mostly) to yourself Dave. Looking forward to a future painting with a turkey woods theme.

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