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Utah gives Ryan Benson $2 million

Someone care to weigh in BGF's stance on sage grouse and the below email. I have been in the know about the Ryan Benson bullshit :hump:eek:f the $2 million. But what about sage grouse?

And last I had checked Daines just voted against sportsman interest regarding the transfer of federal lands, correct? School me......


It’s starting. Yesterday, the Bureau of Land Management released highly controversial new land use plans for 10 Western states. As predicted, these plans contain millions of acres of “withdrawals,” which equates to huge land use closures.

This is a direct attack on the use of our natural resources, and land accessibility for hunting, grazing, job creation and economic productivity. This will make it harder for sportsmen to access these areas and for conservation work to be conducted. It will hurt hardworking families across the West. It also means increased pressure on areas that remain opened. This is not good for conservation. This is not good for sportsmen. Already, many anti-use groups are pushing for even more restrictions saying the new plans do not go far enough. These plans will take effect later this summer.

This is one of the reasons why Big Game Forever has lead the way in supporting Congressional action to protect vital state conservation plans for Sage-grouse. In the last few weeks, the House of Representatives included provisions in the National Defense Authorization Act that address concerns over the repeated attempts to force an Endangered Species listing. The bill also allows states to make the case that these draconian plans from the Bureau of Land Management are unneccessary. Why is this so important? The National Defense Authorization Act is one of only a handful of bills that is expected to pass Congress and signed into law this year. The bill, including the Sage-grouse language, has already passed the U.S. House of Representatives. It will be taken up by the U.S. Senate in coming days.

As you are aware, these BLM plans are being released in anticipation of a decision on whether to list the bird as an endangered species later this year. It will be the third listing decision in a decade for Sage-grouse. Why another decision? Repeated, wasteful lawsuits by special interest groups are pounding the courts until they get their way. These groups think they know better. They do not want the West to enjoy freedoms of economic prosperity, self-sufficiency and outdoor recreation. Simply stated, they want to change our way of life.

Congress has noticed and is stepping up to stop the endless cycle of petitions, litigation and more land closures.

Here are a few quotes from leaders in Congress on today’s BLM plans:

Senator Steve Daines-United States Senator from Montana:
I have serious concerns that the Obama administration’s land-use plans will have a detrimental impact on Montana’s economy, our land users and Montanans’ way of life. It’s the people of Montana, not federal bureaucrats from Washington, D.C., who know best how to manage our state’s resources, land and wildlife. The Obama administration should implement Montana’s plan, which best addresses our state’s unique needs and can protect the greater sage-grouse, rather than forcing another Washington-driven, one-size-fits-none policy on Montanans.

Congressman Rob Bishop-United States Representative from Utah:
This is just flat out wrong. If the Administration really cares about the bird they will adopt the state plans as they originally said they would. The state plans work. This proposal is only about controlling land, not saving the bird…This announcement is not cooperation, it is not collaboration, and it is not a solution. It is just wrong.

We will need the help of all 65,000 supporters of Big Game Forever. Please send a message to Congress today! Simply visit: It takes just 30 seconds using Big Game Forever's automated system. Sportsmen are a powerful force for good. Your support for Congressional action is key to protecting state management of wildlife and our rights of hunters.

For a more in-depth article on the release of BLM's new land use plans visit:

BigGame Forever
Someone care to weigh in BGF's stance on sage grouse and the below email. I have been in the know about the Ryan Benson bullshit :hump:eek:f the $2 million. But what about sage grouse?

And last I had checked Daines just voted against sportsman interest regarding the transfer of federal lands, correct? School me......

This probably is not a direct answer to the sack of chit Benson put out there, but I'll add some thoughts.

If Ryan Benson were here, I would ask him for one single example as to where hunter access is going to be closed as part of that proposal. He would not have a single answer to provide as evidence. None. Zero. Nadda.

I could give him some examples of where one of his fringe operating buddies introduced a bill in MT to close sage grouse season, so he could publicly posture the blame of sage grouse decline on hunters. Funny that Benson wasn't up in arms when a blowhard in the legislature introduced a bill to close an entire state to sage grouse hunting, not once, but two straight sessions in a row.

But, given he is always doing bidding for other groups, at the expense of hunters and our interests, that does not surprise me. And now Benson comes forward with some big pitch that he is going to save us.

Funny how just this morning I was reading an article of how Wyoming Governor Matt Meade though the proposal was a very good move by the USFWS. Link here -

Yet, given Governor Meade is not as financially dependent upon converting any crisis to cash, as is Ryan Benson and the BGF carnies, he can probably have a bit more objective view point of it.

With any change to land use for species conservation, some groups are going to be upset. For Benson to make it sound like he is doing hunters a favor by whining and sniveling, rather than working with the rest of the hunting and ag community, is just another continuation of the BGF business model of converting every issue to a cash flow stream.

I've grown so tired of his horsechit. I've tired of his sack of complete lies as he claims credit for wolf delisting, when he was caught using hunter money to derail the delisting bill that got us hunting seasons in MT and ID. And if not for his clown act in Wyoming, they would have been part of the same solution.

As for Congressman Bishop, he is on Benson's payroll. Or, maybe the other way around. He makes a complete fool of himself whenever he talks about public land issues.

When I testified before his committee in April, his subcommittee Chairman called a witness that claimed Federal lands could be managed better. Not a single person disagreed that there is room for better management. His witness cited some good examples as requested by Bishop's fellow committee members.

A few of the ideas given were:

  • Increase Federal oil/gas royalty rates to be closer to what states and private landowners charge. Right now Federal rates are way below market value.
  • Increase the royalty rate for coal, as like oil/gas, royalty rates on Federal lands are a big subsidy.
  • Increase grazing rates on public lands. Congress has kept them at ridiculously low rates that are 10% of the going rate on adjacent private lands.
  • Allow for competitive bidding on grazing allotments, such that any group could bid on the grazing rights. This would allow the conservation values to be expressed in the form of what the market is willing to pay for such.
Those, and a few others had the entire room nodding their heads in agreement.

Only two weeks later, the Secretary of Interior comes forth with a proposal to have Bishop's Committee consider some of the improvements his Subcommittee witness had suggested to improve the financial management of public Federal lands. As expected, you had to scrape Bishop off the ceiling when he got done with his tantrum about these suggestions; suggestions his group's witness had earlier suggested.

Bishop has lost all credibility on the issue of proper public land management. When the witnesses he calls point out the obvious and then he goes on his normal tirade when the agency considers some of those suggestions, it shows none of this is about proper management to him, rather some other agenda he carries for himself or for some group that is writing checks to his campaign.

I know this is not a direct rebuttal of that sack of crap Benson put out there as to how he is saving hunter access by his crowing about sage grouse, but his drivel is so void of fact it is not possible to critique all the fiction it includes.

I would like to see just one example of areas that are going to be closed down to hunting. "It ain't gonna happen." Especially when you have the big boys of the hunting world in DC actually working to make sure it doesn't happen; the same groups Benson hacked on when he tried to derail state wolf control. But, BGF wouldn't know what's going on among those hunting groups with "inside relationships," given BGF are outsiders who nobody trusts, and with good reason. He likes to paint the picture as though he has some sort of sway DC folks, the same he and his pals have in the halls of the UT Legislature. It is amateur hour when BGF and SFW show up in DC and everyone knows it.

Anyone want to take bets that if the decade-long work on sage grouse by ranchers, hunters, State/Federal agencies results in sage grouse NOT being listed, that Benson and BGF try to lay claim to the successful outcome. I will pay 10 to 1 that BGF will be the first to take credit for something that was underway a dozen years before BGF even became an organization and is a result of hard work they had no part of.

Any takers?
More "Bishop-isms" being spouted at the demand of his political donors. Even his home state newspaper is calling him out. That Benson wants to use Bishop as his poster child of sanity in this sage grouse debate shows the level of ineptitude guiding the $2MM Utah taxpayer investment in the BGF Franchise.

Bishop should know that a closed mouth gathers no foot. I can see Bishop using Cliven Bundy as an example of how public lands should be "used" by locals in the west.

If I was Senator Steve Daines from MT, I would tell Benson to never again use my name in any of his press releases on sage grouse, or any other issue. Associating with Benson and Bishop is dangerous politics for a guy from Montana. Fortunately, BGF and SFW are like radioactive waste for Montana politicians and it is the civic duty of every hunter, angler, and citizen of Montana to keep it that way.
I'd second what Randy said.

There has been a mountain of work done by the Fed to address the sage grouse issue, and truthfully, the plans that were just released deal with the core issue - the habitat. It's a different approach than what other past planning efforts relative to candidate species under the ESA. What those plans represent is a new direction in public land management to restore some balance between conservation & the multiple use mandate. They're not perfect by any stretch but they do represent a lot of work at the local level and DC level to come up with a scenario where the bird is not going to get listed.

The Bishop/Daines/Gardner approach to delay is actually a backdoor transfer of public lands. The bill & the rider currently on the National Defense Authorization Act would hand management of public land over to the states to manage under their plans - essentially giving the state the public land on which grouse reside.

We don't need a D.C./Utah solution here, we need the process to work and the private, state and federal stakeholders to work together to better manage the habitat.

BGF just wants to cash in on this. They have not cared about real conservation since their inception. They're the pawn shop of conservation groups, a fast food franchise that's about Benson keeping his McMansion in a gated community versus letting guys who work for a living enjoy the lands they own. F' him.

Either one of you seen the new "plan" from BLM? I have not yet had time to look at it.

Either one of you seen the new "plan" from BLM? I have not yet had time to look at it.

I've yet to see it all in one place, so here are the links where you can read the many places and agencies involved in the EIS and the proposed conservation strategy. Some on this site could tell you chapter and verse of this, given it has been part of their professional work. They may know of a place where it can all be found in one document.

Here is where most the Montana information can be found.

Here is where the Hi-Line information can be found.

If Ryan Benson can show me anywhere in all of that stuff, or any of the proposed EISs that are currently out for review, where lands will be closed to hunters as a result of these conservation efforts, I will send a donation to BGF.

BGF has been out playing with the kiddies, while ranchers, agencies, and others have been making a difference on the ground. A good article about how some Oregon ranchers are leading in sage grouse conservation.

It's the kind of work shown above, that has been happening on sage grouse habitats for the last decade that is going to swing the pendulum away from ESA listing way more than Benson donning his asshat and making a fool of himself by spouting the crap he is.

Quite frankly, BGF doesn't know shit from apple butter on most of this stuff they jump into. BGF is once again, a Johnny Come Lately to the party, just like they were on wolves and just like they will be on grizzly bears. They show up with the Utah welfare money, try to elbow their way to a seat at the table once all the heavy lifting has been done, then they dislocate their shoulder patting themselves on the back. I have no hesitations in pointing out the parasitic and obstructionist track record they have.

The sad part is how many hunters fall for the BGF BS. I've only followed the sage grouse issue from the outside, having been way more involved in the politics and policy on wolves and grizzly bears. Yet, I know the work people have been doing in MT and elsewhere to keep this bird off the ESL, and the people doing that good work are not in based in Bountiful, Utah and don't have anything to do with BGF. It's sickening to see the BGF blowhard circus prop up their tent at the last minute, crowing about all they have done, when in reality they haven't done jack chit, unless being an obstructionist counts.
I've yet to see it all in one place, so here are the links where you can read the many places and agencies involved in the EIS and the proposed conservation strategy. Some on this site could tell you chapter and verse of this, given it has been part of their professional work. They may know of a place where it can all be found in one document.

Here is where most the Montana information can be found.

Here is where the Hi-Line information can be found.

If Ryan Benson can show me anywhere in all of that stuff, or any of the proposed EISs that are currently out for review, where lands will be closed to hunters as a result of these conservation efforts, I will send a donation to BGF.

BGF has been out playing with the kiddies, while ranchers, agencies, and others have been making a difference on the ground. A good article about how some Oregon ranchers are leading in sage grouse conservation.

It's the kind of work shown above, that has been happening on sage grouse habitats for the last decade that is going to swing the pendulum away from ESA listing way more than Benson donning his asshat and making a fool of himself by spouting the crap he is.

Quite frankly, BGF doesn't know shit from apple butter on most of this stuff they jump into. BGF is once again, a Johnny Come Lately to the party, just like they were on wolves and just like they will be on grizzly bears. They show up with the Utah welfare money, try to elbow their way to a seat at the table once all the heavy lifting has been done, then they dislocate their shoulder patting themselves on the back. I have no hesitations in pointing out the parasitic and obstructionist track record they have.

The sad part is how many hunters fall for the BGF BS. I've only followed the sage grouse issue from the outside, having been way more involved in the politics and policy on wolves and grizzly bears. Yet, I know the work people have been doing in MT and elsewhere to keep this bird off the ESL, and the people doing that good work are not in based in Bountiful, Utah and don't have anything to do with BGF. It's sickening to see the BGF blowhard circus prop up their tent at the last minute, crowing about all they have done, when in reality they haven't done jack chit, unless being an obstructionist counts.
The saddest part about this is Randy SFW has support and power in Utah for very little reason. Most sportsmen have woken up to this in the state and realize SFW is not about the average sportsmen or spending money wisely. If they didn have money gained off of the expo and public tags they wouldn't have the political cloud they do over the state. I really hope that when the bid for the expo comes out that RMEF, NWTF, or some other conservation organization can take the reigns of it and stop SFW from continuing along on their blind path.
Like Randy said, much of this work has been going on for over a decade. I went on my first sage grouse working group tour as a graduate student in Utah in 2001. Think of the number of projects that could have been accomplished with the money that has been pissed away to BGF! SPW has partially funded a few projects, but $2mil could have gotten a LOT done. They groups in UT that was a part of turn down good projects every year for lack of funding...or to pending NEPA...
Amen, Randy.

Here's how the plans effect hunting:

· The act of hunting and fishing, and access to land by foot or horse, are not considered to be disruptive activities by BLM subject to restrictions under existing plans or these new plan amendments.

· In GSG habitat (focal areas, priority and general) an objective is to minimize disturbance during breeding and nesting (March 1 to June 15) and wintering (November 1 to February 28) periods, but as noted above, this does not apply to the acts of hunting and fishing per se or use of existing roads and trails.

· In GSG habitat (focal areas, priority and general) an objective is to limit vehicle use to existing roads and trails, including those considered primitive, so as to limit disturbance to the birds and also damage to habitat. This does close “cross-country” travel usage by OHV to eliminate disturbance away from existing roads. This would restrict OHV use for game retrieval away from existing roads, but special permits can be issued by BLM for handicapped sportsmen or for other situations.

· In GSG habitat (focal areas, priority and general), public access on temporary energy development roads is prohibited, unless consistent with all other terms and conditions included in the forest plan. These are roads intended for development activities and not for public access and the plans allow for exceptions as consistent with all other terms and conditions.

· In NW Colorado, for example, the number of acres of open access to OHV (202,600 ac) and those closed to OHV travel (52,600) is exactly the same for all alternatives. This includes the no action and proposed final alternative.

So basically, you won't be able to take an ORV cross country in prime sage grouse habitat. Travel planning for recreational use is not affected greatly by these plans, and the combined effect of the state & federal plans will mean better hunting through habitat management over the next 10 years.

$2 million could have done a lot of good work. Instead, it's building Benson's new pool.
So basically, you won't be able to take an ORV cross country in prime sage grouse habitat. Travel planning for recreational use is not affected greatly by these plans, and the combined effect of the state & federal plans will mean better hunting through habitat management over the next 10 years.

$2 million could have done a lot of good work. Instead, it's building Benson's new pool.

And to BGF, inability to drive your ATV wherever you want, whenever you want, equates to "closed off to hunting."

I personally have no problem with ATV use on established roads and trails. In fact, I can see myself owning one someday as my truck takes more and more beatings.
And to BGF, inability to drive your ATV wherever you want, whenever you want, equates to "closed off to hunting."

I personally have no problem with ATV use on established roads and trails. In fact, I can see myself owning one someday as my truck takes more and more beatings.

I've got no problem with ATVB's being used responsibly either and yes, that's exactly what Benson and the energy industry groups are saying.