Caribou Gear

Utah Convention Tag rule amendment

Ben Lamb you beat me to posting the letter from MDF. I love how the letter is miss leading and crooked. Funny how Miles is trying to squirm his way out of this one since he was director of the Wildlife Board when the proposal for transparency was somehow "forgot" on the final draft of the contract for the convention tags. Pretty obvious MDF and SFW and worried about loosing all those unaccounted for funds.

Better get your free hats now, MDF won't be able to buy them with our convention tag money next year! Haha
I read that email yesterday and it was so laughable I sent an email to their Office telling them in no uncertain terms that the gig is up!!! It looks to me like Mr. M is about to be exposed today for what he truly is. It will be interesting to hear how he tries to squirm out of this one.
So for those of you that were there, or listened, you know what happened. An action item was slipped in before discussion of the UWC amendment proposal, that stipulates that SFW/MDF will report yearly on where the convention tag money goes. This was brought in by MDF. This is of course a BS report that is not certified by a third party. But the fact that they offered up that much, says volumes about where they are on this. This house of cards is crumbling.

Jim Karpowitz(Director) continued his very inappropriate misinformation campain, and Ernie Perkins(WB member) suggested that the UWC get in on the convention tag money. Thats right, he publicly suggested/bribed the UWC with dirty convention tag money, in front of everyone. Although, Byron Bateman did not present any checks to the WB this time. I have heard that like offers for convention tags to the UWC have come from MDF/SWF.

The no teeth reporting rule was adopted. There will be future meetings with the DWR, UWC, SFW, and MDF to see if there can be some common ground reached on the UWC proposal. After those meetings, MDF with go over their contract for the convention tags with the DWR, in private.

So as some have suggested, it looks like the legislature will be the place to get this resolved.

Even with the hat offer, MDF's presence was very low. SFW's was not much better. The UWC represented.

BTW, Miles wasn't there, hhhhmmmmm......
...and Ernie Perkins(WB member) suggested that the UWC get in on the convention tag money. Thats right, he publicly suggested/bribed the UWC with dirty convention tag money, in front of everyone.

I was wondering how many people caught that! It was one of the last things said on the item #12, and I don't know how many people were paying attention. He basically said that UWC should become a "conservation organization" and start doing good like these other organizations are doing.

Some other highlights:

The first person to speak on the UWC proposal was Marty Bushman from the Utah Attorney General's office. He gave his opinion that if the Board were to attempt to change the terms of the contract before it expires in 2016, it could be considered breach of contract and the state could be sued. This is despite language in the contract to the contrary, and this testimony essentially let the Board off the hook and ensured that nothing was going to happen today or in the near future.

Don Peay spending 2 of this allotted 3 minutes describing the awards and recognition he has received, and how his friends in the Utah State legislature are so impressed with the things SFW has done for veterans, kids, families in crisis, etc, that they will give him whatever he wants. He actually said that out loud.

Either Del Brady or Ernie Perkins interupting one of the public supporters of the UWC proposal right when they started speaking, to tell them that they were not going to allow him to speak if he was just up there to "give the same old rah-rah speech."

Byron Bateman stating that the MDF was essentially a "contractor" hired by the state to conduct the convention tag portion of the state tag drawing, just like the company in Fallon, NV, and they should be allowed to make a profit as a contractor and not be required to disclose how they spend their profits.

John Bair recusing himself from each vote on issues involving conservation and convention tags because he is retained by MDF and SFW as an auctioneer at various events. But he only recused himself from the votes after giving his personal opinion on how good the conservation and convention permit programs are working.

There was more that I don't recall right now. But the cherry on top was Perkins suggesting that UWC should step to the table and serve themselves a piece of the pie! :D
Ernie use to be a stand up guy. But then again, there was a day when that could be said about Karpowitz too. They are bought and paid for, to watch it was sickening.

It was Del Brady that cut the speaker off and gave him a lecture about rah-rah speechs. Yet SFW people were allowed to go over their time routinely. Someone had to whistle at one SFW knuckle head that was almost a minute over, Del just let him keep talking.

I just heard from another guy that the UWC was offered convention tags by MDF or SFW, I dont know which, but I saw UWC guys talking with MDF outside, after the meeting.
Ernie use to be a stand up guy. But then again, there was a day when that could be said about Karpowitz too. They are bought and paid for, to watch it was sickening.

It was Del Brady that cut the speaker off and gave him a lecture about rah-rah speechs. Yet SFW people were allowed to go over their time routinely. Someone had to whistle at one SFW knuckle head that was almost a minute over, Del just let him keep talking.

I just heard from another guy that the UWC was offered convention tags by MDF or SFW, I dont know which, but I saw UWC guys talking with MDF outside, after the meeting.

No, the UWC was NOT offered tags, convention or conservation, by MDF or SFW. I was one of the UWC guys you saw talking with MDF outside. It is also the UWC's stand to NOT get into the wildlife tag business, it is a dangerous road to walk down and one we are not willing to take.

The meeting and the way it was conducted left a bad taste in my mouth. That being said, it was not a total loss and there is some light at the end of the tunnel. I hope the MDF, SFW and UWC can meet with the Division on this issue and come to some sort of agreement that can further accountability and transparency, time will tell. I do applaud MDF for coming forward with some financial information. It's sad it had to take the actions it did for that to happen. I do remain hopeful and look forward to working with those Orgs on many issues that are thorns in the side to the average Joe hunters in Utah. The UWC is not going away anytime soon...

Thats good to hear you wont take tags. So Ernie was the only one suggesting the UWC get in on the convention then? That one almost topped Karpowitz renewing his wedding vows to Don. At least Ernie kept it short.
That surprises me out of Ernie. I have worked side by side with him on some projects in the past and he came across as wanted to do the right and good thing. Though he was a bit elitist in is opinion of how/when folks should hunt chukars...
Hey there Pointer, its been awhile, how is Indiana treating you?

Like I said, you used to be able to expect different things from some of these guys, times have changed, fortunately most of these guys are on their way out shortly.
Well, I'm here and the wife and kids really like being closer to family. For the most part I shouldn't complain, but I seem to make reasons to.... ;)

It does seem like things have changed in the 2yrs since I left Utah and not for the better. I still talk to a few folks there and I'm surprised at much of what they are telling me.