Trophy Cow


Dec 23, 2000
Here's a pic of the trophy Colorado elk I shot last Monday. Not a very difficult hunt...I had to wait a few minutes for the sun to come up before taking pictures. I could see upwards of 1,500 elk as this picture was being taken.

Congrats!!! :cool:

Was that a "lead cow" or a "dry cow", as most everybody that shoots cows knows which they want before they shoot.... :D

You got more Elk in your freezer than I do.... :(
I am pretty happy, also as I dropped a big cow this morning on Montanas last day of hunting season. I have never gotten one this late, the bottom of the ninth. I am probably as happy as these guys killing bulls. I have another years supply of meat. I had a disposable camera in my day pack and it has been there since archery season in September. I took pics but there was moisture inside it. I hope the pics turn out. I will post one if they turn out. jerrym
Oak, Congratulations! That's a nice lookin' cow. Tell us a little more. How large of an area were the elk spread over? What was the bull/cow ratio? What made you choose that one? How far from the road were you?
Nice Cow! I shot my first Elk this year(cowtag) so I know how you feel! She'll bring lots of good eats to the table. Nothing like elk on the barby! Congrats!
Congrats Oak!!! ;)

I'm glad to see you are filling your elk tags :D

Everyone that hunts elk or deer should whack a cow or doe hump
OAk.... You are truely a Female Wacking machine ;)

Congrats to ya bud on another fine hunt. You know someday I'm planning to come back to Colorado, so leave a few critters alive would ya, between you and a couple others I'm starting to get worried !!!! :p
1500 elk in front of you? You're kidding, right? You should have taken the picture facing the other way. 1500?

Congratulations! Way to go!
Great picture. I know you planned the kill around the good lighting. :D

Are you done for the year? My big game seasons ended Sunday, so I am just crying in my beer. |oo
Gunner: Actually it was the lead cow ;) , in a herd of about 300.

Nut: You'll get a crack at an elk one of these days.

Ithaca: I could see elk up to 4 miles away, in groups of 200-400. I didn't pay much attention to the distant ones, but the herd this cow was in had a surprising number of branch-antlered bulls for post-season Colorado. I expect a good crop of 3.5 to 4.5 year old bulls next year. I was about 2 miles from a public road, but the ranch manager let us drive a two-track right to her after the kill (this was a late season cow hunt, after all ;) ). I killed this cow because the 4-5 behind her had made me. I've found that if an animal doesn't know you're around when you shoot, it's more likely to drop in it's tracks (as this cow did) with a shot through the body than one that has spotted you. Keeps those lung-shot elk from running to the bottom of a hole you don't want to have to pack them out of.

Moosie: "OAk.... You are truely a Female Wacking machine" I get that a lot. ;)

KC: Our stories aren't quite the same. I passed up 33 legal bulls during the 3rd season, trying to kill a big muley. It was easier knowing I had this cow tag in my pocket.

Miller: I'm done for the season, and yes, a little sad about it. But, I got the 2005 WY regs in the mail yesterday, so guess it's time to start planning next year!

As for the number of elk....I threw 1,500 out there as a wild-assed guess. I've got it all on tape though (including the kill), so I might sit down this winter and try to get a better idea of how many there were. Many, many herds of 200-400, though.

WOW! Congrats! Let me know if you need me to help thin the CO herds out a bit next year!!! :D I could probably get one or two more to tag along with me!!! :D I was hoping to get a cow this year, but work sent me to Phoenix for training the three weekends I had set aside to fill my tag. :(
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