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Trap Suggestions


Active member
Aug 9, 2013
Anyone care to recommend some good trap options for small to medium sized animals??

Mostly raccoon & possum. But, would like something that would work on smaller animals and as big as a coyote. I know that's somewhat of a large range. But, was thinking about 2 or maybe three different models.
I mostly use dog proof traps, they work great for coons, skunks and possum. F&T trading post has lost of options for you to look at and compare.
Body grip type traps work well for a range of species, but check to see if they are legal to use in your state. if they are, make sure you are not trapping around houses, as they can catch dogs and/or cats. if you want to use footholds, coil spring 1 1/2, 2 and 3 would pretty well cover anything that you would want to trap as far as what would be in your area. hope that helps.
If you have never trapped before ,I would highly recommend taking a trappers ed. class . All states have them. Proper trap size and proper staking are extremely important to avoid serious problems for both the animal and the image of trappers. Dog proof traps are a good choice if raccoons are the main target animal . Again proper staking is crucial. Cage type live traps are the way to go for a beginning trapper who has raccoon,opossum or skunk problems . Peanut butter sandwiches with a little cooking oil on them are great bait . ( ) is an excellent web site to start off with . Good luck John
If you are just getting started, spend lots of time on You will learn volumes. As for a trap, first you have to know the state regs. Lots of places have jaw spread regulations and other things.

If you want a trap that does not break the bank, but will catch coons, opossums, skunks etc., but will hold a coyote or cat, a Duke 1 3/4 coil is the answer. There are gobs of traps out there that are good and the sky is the limit on price, also.

If you are just going to target coons etc, then a 1 1/2 is plenty. A Duke 1 1/2 is a strong little trap that will serve you well, but you have to do your homework and decide what you are going to trap.

When you decide what you want, search trap supply places on the web. There are lots of them and prices can vary. The classifieds on has good deals, too.

If you have any other questions, feel free to pm me. I spent a number of years trapping and will help all that I can.
Thanks everyone. This was the type of information that I was looking to get. I appreciate you guys looking out for the domestic dogs, but we're just not that particular since we've had problems with them too.

I will be setting these out immediately around my home, and possibly inside (under) the house. Maybe a few within a couple hundred yards of the barns.

I tried killing some of the coyotes on our back property in hopes they would relocate. But, I keep finding sign around our pastures and close to the house. Not to mention whatever's in the trash and whatever is in our attic and crawl spaces. Weather they're dogs, cats, coons, or anything else; they're just getting a little too close and starting to cause problems.

Critter heads will roll....
I'm not familiar with Georgia's trapping regulations, but if snaring is legal, I'd suggest you give that a try. They're much cheaper than coilspring footholds, will catch every target animal you've listed, and can be equipped with a "stop" so you can release any incidental catches. Here's a link for a nice kit that would work well for what you're after...
GREATWHITE, if you have not trapped before i would suggest you get in touch with your state trapping organization and tell them your problem.they could probably find some one to do the trapping for you.we are always looking for privet property to trap. Good luck.
GREATWHITE, if you have not trapped before i would suggest you get in touch with your state trapping organization and tell them your problem.they could probably find some one to do the trapping for you.we are always looking for privet property to trap. Good luck.

Very good idea. Thanks I've tried going to the state DNR sponsored events, but always get turned away due to space.Kind of like trying to draw a tough tag.

Looks like you spoke up just in time, as they're having an event next month. Seems like a really good way to learn a few things.
I ordered a few to get started through F&T. I have to admit that I was let down by the company. Oh well.... Hopefully, the rest will go better. Thanks for the help everyone.
MB450. Buy once cry once ready to go out of the box just dye them. They will hold a big coyote and coons too
I agree with the duke 1 3/4 for an all around trap.I've held plenty of yotes in thm and they are great on coon/possum
If you can afford them I'd go with MB550s. Save yourself the headache of having to tune things and replace junk chain. I haven't had to make any adjustments. I use the offset jaws for a better hold. They'll catch a skunk or opossum, coon, fox, or coyote just fine. As always, check your local laws for what is acceptable in terms of jaw size.
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