Caribou Gear

Train horse hobble & picket?


Well-known member
Sep 25, 2009
After watching a couple flicks via Youtube, figure it would be great to read from those here... While I've used hobbles, pickets and high lines in the backcountry enough that it is second nature, I've never trained horses how to become content with hobbles and pickets. No interest learning via trial by fire. How do I go about this?

Note: I am only familiar with picketing to an ankle, not halter...
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Brief example. While this looks simple enough I could see this turn into a train wreck. The point where s/he became a bit bound up well, I think that is a decent trained horse able to shoulder yield w/ hobbles.
I like the brief back step to feel the hobbles tighten...

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I've trained 4 or 5 ... and none went as smooth as in the video. I'd take his advice over mine! The next time I work with this, I'm doing it exactly like that.
Dad and his buddies always used hobbles when they packed in around the Selway back in the day. Also used a bell on a couple of the horses. But, twice in the years of doing it they had to go over the top of the next ridge where there was meadow to collect horses in the morning. He said they never had one tear up their hocks from doing it.
I've always had the lead mare picketed when hobbling the others. They tend to stay around... however, there was a time we had to track down the string in the morning... found them about a mile away. Apparently the grass was greener elsewhere... haha!
I am always amazed at how fast a horse can cover ground in Hobbles. John

Yes! They will eventually learn how to get up and go! Usually when being approached at 4 AM with a frozen saddle. :( Some learn to 'hop' along and others kinda 'skip-n-jump' wheelie style and there's always one that just 'shuffles' along real fast...I mean REAL fast!
We had a mule that had to be hobbled front and back, then when she figured that out, we tethered the front hobble to the back hobble!
Good times!!
How about picketing? Any god Youtube/other clips that meet with any HT'ers personal experience?
How about picketing? Any god Youtube/other clips that meet with any HT'ers personal experience?

I used the wrong term... I am referring to a "stake out". Apparently some call high lining, "picketing"... and some call "picketing" stake out. All kinds of fun quotation marks! No grammar nazi's, personal attacks, you didn't lose a political argument and sink beyond the topic. :D

So anyone ever stake out? I imagine so. If you do, did you train your horse/mule to stake out? If so, how did you do it? The video on hobbling went pretty good with my first horse - getting ready to work the second.

Thought I'd share this. a pretty good short flick:

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