Caribou Gear Tarp

Too mount or not?? And how rare?


Well-known member
Feb 11, 2004
Guys I need some help here. I have never really had any intentions on mounting (I'm talking Taxidermy, Moosie) hump a turkey but after taking this turkey I thought I might. My questions are is it rare for a Merriams to have 4 beards? Each beard is about 1" apart so they are definetly seperate beards. Would you guys mount a turkey like this? He pretty much has most of his feathers and wasn't hammered to bad. I talked with one taxidermist here and he charges $550 for any pose I choose. Does this sound resonable? He sends the heads back east to be freeze dried. Which he said is the best because they are more realistic. Is this true? Also if I get it done what pose should I do to show of all the beards?

Thanks guys for any help you can give.


Yeah mount that sucka....and for the record freeze dried head are the only way to go...It is very rare to have multiple beards but I have seen it a few times...I would either mount him gobbling or struting to really show off the beards-JMHO
$550 is about right from a quality taxidermist. You will likely never replicate a bird like this. Do it. I have 2 mounts, a full strut, and a 1/2 strut gobbling. The 1/2 strut has the toms head and neck extended forward....I think that pose would show the beards the best. By all means get a freeze dried head, any others look horrible.
Do it.
Wally dog - Do you have a picture of the 1/2 strut gobble. I'd like to see it. My taxi sends his heads off to Cally Morris to get done. He said that he is the best when it comes to freeze dried heads. Here is what I'm currently looking at. I like the full strut gobbling the best so far.

Gobbling on roost, layered tail.

Full Strut Gobbling.

Full strut.
I don't have a picture, guess I really oughta take one. But, If you live in the "treasure valley" that bird is on display at Sportsmans Warehouse (Fairview & Eagle Rds). He looks much like the "gobbling on the roost" example you've linked. If you are standing at their gun counter, turn and look behind you. He's atop an island display right thar!
Turkey Mount

If it were my bird and I didn't already do taxidermy I would get your turkey mounted ;) ... I have seen Turkey with double Beards and 1 or 2 with tripple beards... I have yet to see a quad bearded turkey. That is a pretty rare thing in my book. Average cost for a turkey to get mounted in a struting pose is between $475 - $600. So your taxidermist is right in the ball park :) . Your taxidermist is also correct in the fact that freeze dried turkey heads are the best. We can buy the reproduction turkey heads but they don't have any of the little stray hairs or the detail. I wouldn't use a repo turkey head on any of my birds.

Have you ever used this taxidermist B4? Or have you seen any of his work? If not I would go and ask to see some of his customer Turkey Mounts. NOT COMPETITION MOUNTS! Their is a world of difference between the two. More time is spent on a Competition mount than a customer mount. In the ball park of about 20 hours or more :eek: . Thats why I tell everyone looking for a taxidermist to look at their customer mounts. Hope this helps you out some! :)
I got a flying turkey pose that I can hang on the wall. The beard hangs. After I did that, I shot a bigger bird. I hope you have a problem like that too. Mount it, that's my vote, turkey's are really awesome looking.
you pay that much you mite ass well bend over and by the way the store was out of vasaline
Haven't posted in a while, but lemme see if I can get these pics of my turkey mount to show up.



I agree that freeze-dried heads are the way to go.

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