Ollin Magnetic Digiscoping System

Today my mom...

Orca Lover

New member
Aug 15, 2004
Spanaway, WA
... said that HuntTalk.com is a "safe website". Ya know, the kind of website that you tell you kids is okay to be on and okay to talk about personal stuff. She said something about a shooting hierarchy if somepeople were to get a little too stupid with me.
Just thought I would boost Moosie's ego (as if it needs to be boosted) a little bit by sharing that little bit of information.

Ask your Mom how much Moosie paid her to spread that rumor..

Ha!Ha!Ha!.. Funny thing is, she's probably right.

Definitely one of the more congenial sites, (aside from CE & SI:) ), but probably not so good for aspiring spelling bee candidates.:D
Y brother with the speling, qui get the lingo.magon starting hour on hunttalk sandwich. Ok nuff said.Orca good to know your mom likes it here. we hunttalker welcome her. and when moose come off that high he is on we might be able to calm him down when he is normal. Well the weather here in ny finaly cool down so we can turn off the a/c. How it is doing in your neck of the woods/forest ?
To me, who has lived here my whole life, is freezing cold. i jsut got home from the Midwest where its not this cold this time of year.
Quick Draw
The weather is not bad here. It has cooled off, I think upper 60s, low 70s and cloudy; it is kinda humid too. QD is just being a woose.