Thor Full Bore Conical


Jul 8, 2018
Does anyone here shoot these? They say they're legal in Colorado so I looked into them. They come with a sizing pack which is where my question comes from mainly. When I got the sizing pack the bullet labeled .500 seemed to fit well and the bullet labeled .501 was much to small. It seems to reason that the .501 should be larger than the .500 but in this case was not so I became concerned that maybe the bullets I received in the test pack were labeled incorrectly. I wanted to see if anyone else had experienced this before I ordered a full pack.
Thanks in advance guys!
I use these now and won't use anything else. I killed an elk last year with them. I was able to recover the bullet and it opened up perfectly. I would say if you have a concern with sizing give them a call. You can talk to the owner directly and he will take care of you. The way it sounded I thought they had developed some that are universal and you didn't have to worry about sizing to your bore. I still have a bunch left so I haven't tried the others.
Does anyone here shoot these? They say they're legal in Colorado so I looked into them. They come with a sizing pack which is where my question comes from mainly. When I got the sizing pack the bullet labeled .500 seemed to fit well and the bullet labeled .501 was much to small. It seems to reason that the .501 should be larger than the .500 but in this case was not so I became concerned that maybe the bullets I received in the test pack were labeled incorrectly. I wanted to see if anyone else had experienced this before I ordered a full pack.
Thanks in advance guys!

Did you put a micrometer on them? Sounds like a case of mis-packaging to me, but you won't know if you don't measure.
I didn't measure but spoker with someone at Thor and he thought they just got mislabeled as well. They are sending me out a couple more test packs so we shall see soon.
I switched over to Thor's for my and my son's rifle. Mine is a TC Triumph and takes the .502 diameter, my son's TC Omega takes .501.

They shoot extremely well and don't recoil near as bad as my prior choice of conical.
I ordered two packs of the 300 grain Thor’s.500 without trying the test pack. I spoke to the owner at Thor and he asked me what muzzleloader I was using. I told him a brand new CVA Accura. He said.500 or .501 He asked me if I had read or seen how to flare the skirt out should the .500 be slightly loose. I told him I was. My bullets should be here tomorrow or Saturday.

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