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This Is Why I Hunt Coyotes- Video of Yotes Killing Whitetail Buck

I could live to be 150 years old and I will NEVER understand the general hatred towards coyotes.

I like to watch them. I like to hear them. In my youth I loved to try and call them. They were my White Whale for many years in grade school. Finally we learned to call them and we learned to trap/snare them as well. Coyotes are smarter than 90% of the humans on the W.W.W. FACT.

No one will ever convince me they do not belong. The entire natural world would be far less of a wonderland without them.
Dink, I couldn't agree more. To me a coyote is a worthwhile trophy. If you can continuously out smart a coyote, well you have done something.

You are just a Liberal Love All that will never understand the plight of man against nature.

Oh wait, you have actually been out hunting and chasing them before.

This mean bastard was out in my G-mas cow pasture the other day raising holy hell. I mean mouseing for an honest meal.

The Angus were terrified. As were I.



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I could live to be 150 years old and I will NEVER understand the general hatred towards coyotes.

I like to watch them. I like to hear them. In my youth I loved to try and call them. They were my White Whale for many years in grade school. Finally we learned to call them and we learned to trap/snare them as well. Coyotes are smarter than 90% of the humans on the W.W.W. FACT.

No one will ever convince me they do not belong. The entire natural world would be far less of a wonderland without them.

I saw this one out moose (or was it elk) hunting a couple of years ago. Instead of grabbing my rifle I grabbed my camera. Can't tell you how many people I've shown this picture to and they ask me "why didn't you shoot it."
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I know people that shoot everything. I don't agree with it at all. A guy that works for me told me this morning that he had a successful hunt yesterday. I asked him if he filled his deer tag. He said no he shot a porcupine. A porcupine, I asked, why? Because they eat antlers? I had no idea that porcupine were that much of a threat to our antlered friends. I have heard of other guys dropping M80s down a badger hole. I just don't get it. Certain predators need to be controlled, no problem. But I don't understand the concept of I have to shoot it because I can.
I never said I shoot everything. I hunt coyotes because I like to hunt. PERIOD. We have way too many of them where I live and that makes for some great predator hunting. And in Texas studies have shown that ranches that practice predator control- whether by hunting or trapping do have a higher fawn survival rate.

Take it for it what it's worth. I don't hate coyotes. I like them. They are like feral hogs here. You'll never get rid of them but they sure are fun to hunt.
What do you suppose the country side would look like there if Coyotes were gone? Do you think coyotes are an invasive species? Is there anything good that a coyotes does? I would never lump them in the same category as feral hogs. They are what they are, predators. Feral they are not!
I have to say that I disagree with the above statments that limiting coyote populations won't help the deer population. Clearly if someone had shot those coyotes ahead of time that buck would still be dead???? The statement regarding depredation not being effective is absolutely false. Tell that to a rancher who raises sheep...nope, trapping and shooting coyotes wont help one bit b/c they will change their breeding cycle??? haha! I do agree that of course if you have more food and habitat, you will likely get larger deer herds, but larger herds usually means MORE predators.

Good to see they still issue Biology Degrees with the purchase of 2-18 packs of Keystone Light.
I never said I shoot everything. I hunt coyotes because I like to hunt. PERIOD. We have way too many of them where I live and that makes for some great predator hunting. And in Texas studies have shown that ranches that practice predator control- whether by hunting or trapping do have a higher fawn survival rate.

Take it for it what it's worth. I don't hate coyotes. I like them. They are like feral hogs here. You'll never get rid of them but they sure are fun to hunt.

The problem is twofold:

Yes you'll see some immediate effects of predator control, but you have to have a continuous program and never let up. For a ranch, especially one in Texas whose operation is primarily based on fee hunting, or a high fence place that might work financially. Ecologically it does create more rodents, etc, which leads to more minor predators like skunks, armadillos, etc. Plus, if you ever stop the program, you end up with a huge upswell in coyote numbers which means they will over-eat all prey species until there is a crash.

By focusing primarily on habitat you end up creating secure zones for wildlife to escape predation impacts. It's a better bang for your buck.
I saw this one while out scouting at the beginning of archery season. Sorry, the passenger mirror and window frame got in the way. :D But my buddy got some outstanding photos.


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What do you suppose the country side would look like there if Coyotes were gone? Do you think coyotes are an invasive species? Is there anything good that a coyotes does? I would never lump them in the same category as feral hogs. They are what they are, predators. Feral they are not!

Who said anything about eliminating coyotes? I said I hunt them because I like to hunt. If you are against predator hunting then say so. They kill goats, sheep, calves and most often folks domestic pets. They don't want them around. Did you guys give Randy so much hell about his wolf hunt?

And for the record I am not pointing the finger solely at you shoots-straight. I am asking anyone else who has had a foul thing to say about coyote hunting, is this a hunting forum or not? Do we bash those who hunt Mountain Lions or wolves or bobcats etc?

And the feral hog comparison was nothing more than a numbers comment- hunt them all you want, they are still not gonna go anywhere. Of course they aren't invasive.
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Randy shot a coyote during his wolf hunt, and has admittedly hunted and trapped them! Oh my I bet Hell is waiting for the two of you!!!! I say try to kill them all!!! :D
Who said anything about eliminating coyotes? I said I hunt them because I like to hunt. If you are against predator hunting then say so. They kill goats, sheep, calves and most often folks domestic pets. They don't want them around. Did you guys give Randy so much hell about his wolf hunt?

And for the record I am not pointing the finger solely at you shoots-straight. I am asking anyone else who has had a foul thing to say about coyote hunting, is this a hunting forum or not? Do we bash those who hunt Mountain Lions or wolves or bobcats etc?

And the feral hog comparison was nothing more than a numbers comment- hunt them all you want, they are still not gonna go anywhere. Of course they aren't invasive.

Dude, it's not the fact that your hunting them that's getting flack. It's the fact that your passing them off for vermin, and or feral. I'm just pointing out that they are an animal worth some sort of respectful treatment.

Randy always treats every animal with respect.

BTW, I kill lots of coyotes, and trap as well. Hope to kill a couple of wolves, and consider them a worth while species.
This is lame, just pull out the micrometers along your puds and post the numbers. Nothing to see here so let's move along people.
Randy shot a coyote during his wolf hunt, and has admittedly hunted and trapped them! Oh my I bet Hell is waiting for the two of you!!!! I say try to kill them all!!! :D

Just to be clear, shoot as many of the song dogs as you want. Have fun and enjoy the sport. The only difference between elk and yotes is the reproductive factor. If killing more elk resulted in the same end (more young) I'd be all for shooting the hell out of elk.

It's just the biology of coyotes that says shoot all you want, they'll make more. Coyotes are the Doritos of the wildlife world. :D
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Dude, it's not the fact that your hunting them that's getting flack. It's the fact that your passing them off for vermin, and or feral. I'm just pointing out that they are an animal worth some sort of respectful treatment.

Randy always treats every animal with respect.

BTW, I kill lots of coyotes, and trap as well. Hope to kill a couple of wolves, and consider them a worth while species.

Once again I never said they were vermin. I only compared them to feral hogs because of their extreme numbers. Never said anything about disrespecting the wily coyote.
Coyotes kill domestic pets most often??

Lemme guess, you are a product of the State of Texas edjumacation system?

What the hell is your problem? Do I get on here and rag on you for hunting? Keep your damn mouth shut if you don't know what the hell your talking about. Yes, in Texas coyotes prey on dogs and cats just like they would anywhere else if given the opportunity. I didn't say that was the main part of their diet throughout the United States. I said around here, folks get worked up the most when coyotes eat the barn cat or the porch dog that wondered off a little too far. Damn this can be a hostile place. My bad, I forgot that folks from Texas really aren't welcome on here.

I post a video of a deer being downed by yotes. Say I enjoy hunting yotes and get flamed for it. It's your way or the highway. Really enjoying the hospitality.
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