This is ironic

  • Thread starter Deleted member 20812
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On a SD pheasant hunt with friends a few years ago all of our snacks we had brought were mysteriously disappearing. After 3 days they were almost gone and we began to eye each other and investigations into who the fatty in the group was were launched. Theory’s and rumors ran rampant as we drove from field to field. Packs were checked, vehicles searched, charges were levied. On the 4th evening we headed to town for dinner and a few drinks. I could tell the tide had shifted against me as the prime suspect. My bed was closest to the kitchen, so it was me or I was at least in on it. So after several more drinks at the house and my pleadings of innocence falling on deaf ears we went to bed. About 5am I hear rustling of plastic in the kitchen. I’ve caught the bandit red handed and I will be vindicated! As I spring from bed and flip the kitchen light switch on my bloodshot and dehydrated eyes see a rat the size of a small black bear freeze then charge me. I was defenseless. I let out a war whoop and searched frantically for a defensive weapon, I found a spatula and a pair of tongs. The tongs were launched as a long range attack, then the beast was gone. The several second struggle and my war whoop had awoken everyone in the house. They see me running around the kitchen, cabinet doors open, and they draw a conclusion. I’ve been eating the snacks to cure my hangover and I’ve been caught red handed. I explain the black bear cub that nearly ate me. Eyes rolled, laughs were had at my expense. They decided since we were all up we might as well explore my tall tale. The tub in the bathroom was not fastened down and it seemed like the most plausible place for the monster to be. As we slowly flipped the tub, armed with brooms and a towel rack, there they were. All of our snacks. Not opened placed gingerly under the tub. It all became clear, we were dealing with a B&C pack rat. They were on a quest to trap it, but I knew there was no trap big enough to catch it. The one that was caught in the live trap the next night was about 1/72 the size of the one that charged me was. I still get flashbacks when I see grizzly’s charge hunters. I was in the same predicament but much worse off…….
Picturing this from the great outdoors

Is that like when you're driving through town and all of a sudden you realize there's a cop following you, and he follows you all the way until you turn onto your street?

then the anxiety is just to much so you floor it. Next thing you know your on an episode of cops showing your bare ass cause your pants fell off as they drag you out of the car....
Out curiosity I checked my follow list....

@Big Fin is my only follower 😬 Ruh row.

then the anxiety is just to much so you floor it. Next thing you know your on an episode of cops showing your bare ass cause your pants fell off as they drag you out of the car....
There it is folks...:)
The unforeseen consequence of this low IQ thread is now my followers have increased dramatically, and I fear it’s only a matter of time before they realize their first perception of me being a dumbass was entirely correct.


Time to dig out the packrat gear and go find an old outhouse.
This needs to stop. Soon there will be a rapid influx of hunters and social media pimps to my quaint town. People will be displaced by rapidly rising home costs. Oh Lord, what have I done?

This needs to stop. Soon there will be a rapid influx of hunters and social media pimps to my quaint town. People will be displaced by rapidly rising home costs. Oh Lord, what have I done?

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I’m just interested in learning more about shithouse rat hunting. Geeze

While I’m at it would you like to sign up to the mailing list for my company Mounted ops? It’s like mountain ops but for the bedroom.