This Doe identifies as a Buck

Little Big Man MT Chris

Well-known member
Jun 27, 2016
ORYGUN Coast Range
A93C4D9A-E9D7-4F49-9994-120F58E23BF8.jpegBCEB789E-12EC-434F-88A5-2B0AF3314013.jpegWoke up this morning to my wife sending me screenshots from Facebook, someone in Georgia shot white tail and it had no junk. One of my friends shot Roosevelt spike about a decade ago and had the same thing and had one fuzzy velvet spike on one side and the other side didn’t have but a little knob and then when they started cleaning it was a female , kind
of interesting when this happens. I’m also skeptical of something like this on social media because , I see a picture of a deer and then you see the picture of the nips but you don’t see the full buck hanging or the he/she buck, whatever it’s called.
I have heard of it happening, though not very often. Probably along the same lines as an albino, or pure melanistic deer, or the like.

Agreed in the part, is that the same deer in both photos with just the sex organs as the one showing antlers. One showing the whole deer hanging would be better for sure.
I've heard thst its like a 1 in 2million chance of happening. Im pretty sure its when the doe makes estrogen, and testostrone but not sure.
It's not all that rare. Saw a bull years ago in Idaho that had castrated while in velvet that just kept growing until killed. Another was castrated after shedding his horns and was a really big cow until harvested. They are just sex linked traits.

Every system has testosterine and estrogen. Which ever is dominate that is what you will get.

You aren't always gaurenteed what you thought you shot.
I have heard of this happening; I guess it's part of the reason why the tags are for antlered and antlerless deer rather than buck or doe.

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