Yeti GOBOX Collection

the season has begun


Active member
Jan 29, 2003
Waldport, Or
Blacktail and Goat opened up yesterday.

A father and son from Kokomo Id come in tomorrow for the first hunt of the fall. We are scheduled to fly out Monday about noon to a Goat lake. Hope we have some good weather and the bugs ain't to bad.

Good luck on your early fall hunts.

Muskeg, Looking foward to hearing about your Adventures !!! Remember, Take lots of pics and Stp BY ALOT durring the season to keep us posted !! I always enjoy your stories bud !!!

How long are you going to be afield ?
Muskeg, you are going to make the rest of us all jealous. Good for you and please do take lots of pictures to go along with some great stories.
Mossie ...

This hunt is scheduled for 7 days. We fly in on Monday in a Beaver and hike up to set up camp. Usually 6 to 8 hours to the upper camp. We will make it by dark. The pick up is always tentative and is set for afternoon of the 11th. We can go over a couple days if needed. I take in extra food. That also in insurence if we are weathered in past the pick up day. I take a Globalstar phone and stay in touch. If we tag early we can bail early also and come back to town and kill some fish.

Then it's anothe Goat hunt on Aug 20th for a 10 day hunt. Sept is more Goat black Bear and Blacktail Deer. Early Oct is Blacktail and Brown (grizz) later in Oct. Nov is Blacktail rut.

Probably close to 60 days in a tent and in raingear!!!

Then it's off to Az for that Elk tag I drew.

We did good on our spring hunts. I was able to work up a partial page.

spring hunts
You give a guy a woody I tell ya !!!

I got a hard on for a Goat but don't want to dump the Funds for one right now, Something about my wife telling me to keep the Price of my hunts down.. Curse her I tell ya !!! (Just kidding, She's AWSOME !!!! I.E. She reads this section too
Good luck this season Johnnie. Look forward to the posts upon your return. Hey, how well does your globalstar work in SEAK?
Good luck on your hunts Johnnie. You aint joking about the season beginning. My wife has already had a dozen bou turned that came from the haul road. Last year at this time she had 1.
Orvis ...
The globalstar phone works very good. I had the iridium at first (before globalstar was up) but switched when iridium went under. Got into globalstar for very reasonable with the iridium by back and the globalstar promotions to pickup iridium customers. I like the GS unit better and the connection is much clearer than IR used to be. Also I like the cell phone feature (which IR does not have). When up on top of the Goat mountain the unit locks in on my cell system sometimes. The Misty Fjords used to be the black hole of communications. Not any more.

Lilbiggun ....
Sounds like the 1/4 mile set back has not made a difference. I guided out of Happy Valley one season. For Troutman up the Ivashak. A different world. I miss it. The Artic draws you.

I have a Goat hunt out of Hyder that you can drive to and meet me there. It cuts the cost of a charter flight and that reduces the rate I have to charge somewhat.

OK... I'm listening

I plan to make it back up there next year for a Bou hunt with the Boys/girls... MAybe You and me could work something out ?!?! Lets talk
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