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Isn’t AOC wanting us to fund them?

Biden Administration got played by Iran, just like Obama got played in 2015.

China is the benefactor of plentiful Iranian oil, and that oil money is now funding terrorism in the middle east. Good move, Joe.

"Since late 2022, Iranian oil production has surged nearly 600,000 barrels a day. On top of that, Tehran has also sold most, if not all, of the barrels it kept stored on floating oil tankers, adding an extra 100,000 b/d over the same period. All counted, Iran has supplied the market with about 700,000 extra b/d to a total of just above 3 million b/d. And China has bought the bulk of those extra barrels."
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"Wrong" - an opinion.

"he has been quoted multiple times saying he prefers Biden" - communicates the opinion that the referenced/linked quote was an accurate summation of Putin's real feelings on the issue - an opinion

"but you knew that" - expresses an opinion on what I did or didn't know - an opinion

"stop gaslighting" - expresses your opinion about my intent - an opinion

"Nice try though" - express your opinion about my intent - an opinion

"Why are you always on here lying?" - an opinion posing as a question - an opinion

"It's odd" - an opinion

So, 7 opinions embedded in the post that started our little exchange - in fact every single element of your post was an opinion. Can you at least stay internally consistent with your own posts that are within 1 page of one another. Is that too much to ask?
If you find the facts that contradict your opinion troubling I can't help you.

If you find what I said to be an opinion feel free to disregard it as I do yours. I don't care.
If you find the facts that contradict your opinion troubling I can't help you.

If you find what I said to be an opinion feel free to disregard it as I do yours. I don't care.
Do you really think that 7 phrases recite facts and not opinions? Or was your statement you didn't offer opinions incorrect? Pick one and quit dodging.

I welcome opposing facts and opinions, but do reject ridiculously poorly crafted ad hominem approaches to sharing them.
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Meanwhile Russia and Iran are building their relationship after Biden cut Iranian sanctions. How stupid can this administration be?

You have to remember even Gates, Obama's Defense Secretary, said Biden has been wrong on virtually every major foreign policy and national security issue for 40 years. We were warned!
Do you really think that 7 phrases recite facts and not opinions? Or was your statement you didn't offer opinions incorrect? Pick one and quit dodging.

I welcome opposing facts and opinions, but do reject ridiculously poorly crafted ad hominem approaches to sharing them.
You admitting your initial statement that Putin was praying for Trump to win was your opinion cleared it up for me. Its not that complicated. Your opinion doesnt matter to me, just as mine doesnt matter to many others. Like it, dont like it, I dont care.
You admitting your initial statement that Putin was praying for Trump to win was your opinion cleared it up for me. Its not that complicated. Your opinion doesnt matter to me, just as mine doesnt matter to many others. Like it, dont like it, I dont care.
Again, unwilling to answer a simple question about your own posts. Weird. (note - the last word is an opinion - feel free to ignore that part)
You have to remember even Gates, Obama's Defense Secretary, said Biden has been wrong on virtually every major foreign policy and national security issue for 40 years. We were warned!
2014 article. Gates was trying his best to get Joe to step aside for Hillary in 2016. Then Hillary went and lost, so Joe had to be drug out of pasture to run in 2020. Here we are in 2024 and the SOTU is peachy!

What I don't care about at all is Putin's opinion...on anything.
Interesting. Maybe if we would start listening we would have taken him more seriously when he said there would be consequences if NATO moved closer to his border (Ukraine being accepted to NATO). Although, anyone who thinks we didn't know what would happen but pushed for it anyway is an absolute idiot. War is good business.

I have to laugh when people think Russia, China, etc are the "big propagandists" in this world.....oh, we can't believe Putin. We probably can't most of the time but our govt is head and shoulders above others in this regard.
2014 article. Gates was trying his best to get Joe to step aside for Hillary in 2016. Then Hillary went and lost, so Joe had to be drug out of pasture to run in 2020. Here we are in 2024 and the SOTU is peachy!

To be fair, Bob Gates also wrote in the WSJ on 11/1/20 "While it is certainly fair to quote my criticisms of Joe Biden’s record on national security, fairness requires me to note for the record that those comments written in 2014 also noted that Mr. Biden was a man of genuine integrity and character. It is also worth noting that I wrote in these very pages that Donald Trump “is stubbornly uninformed about the world and how to lead our country and government, and temperamentally unsuited to lead our men and women in uniform. He is unqualified and unfit to be commander-in-chief.”
To be fair, Bob Gates also wrote in the WSJ on 11/1/20 "While it is certainly fair to quote my criticisms of Joe Biden’s record on national security, fairness requires me to note for the record that those comments written in 2014 also noted that Mr. Biden was a man of genuine integrity and character. It is also worth noting that I wrote in these very pages that Donald Trump “is stubbornly uninformed about the world and how to lead our country and government, and temperamentally unsuited to lead our men and women in uniform. He is unqualified and unfit to be commander-in-chief.”
Ah, there’s a little word play right there. Go watch his 60 minutes interview (2021, year later than your WSJ article) where this topic was brought up. He again, reiterated what he said about Biden/foreign policy/national security. He didn’t retract that but did say Biden had integrity like you stated.
To be fair, Bob Gates also wrote in the WSJ on 11/1/20 "While it is certainly fair to quote my criticisms of Joe Biden’s record on national security, fairness requires me to note for the record that those comments written in 2014 also noted that Mr. Biden was a man of genuine integrity and character. It is also worth noting that I wrote in these very pages that Donald Trump “is stubbornly uninformed about the world and how to lead our country and government, and temperamentally unsuited to lead our men and women in uniform. He is unqualified and unfit to be commander-in-chief.”
Here's the NYT piece in late 2015 that made Joe Biden offically step aside for Hillary. Everyone knew Biden was absent of "integrity and character" back when he was VP. Washington is a cesspool.

Don't expect this to change any opinions of Joe, however. The ends justify the means when it comes to politics.
Ah, there’s a little word play right there. Go watch his 60 minutes interview (2021, year later than your WSJ article) where this topic was brought up. He again, reiterated what he said about Biden/foreign policy/national security. He didn’t retract that but did say Biden had integrity like you stated.
I didn’t state anything. I just posted a quotation of what Bob Gates wrote in a letter to the WSJ’s editorial board.
Here's the NYT piece in late 2015 that made Joe Biden offically step aside for Hillary. Everyone knew Biden was absent of "integrity and character" back when he was VP. Washington is a cesspool.

Don't expect this to change any opinions of Joe, however. The ends justify the means when it comes to politics.
Not trying to convince anyone one way or another. Just pointing out that the headline regarding Bob Gate’s critique of Biden’s foreign policy, while catchy, lacked deeper context of what else Bob Gates thinks about Biden and the person he’s running against, again.
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