The 411 on 411 in Montana


Well-known member
Jan 16, 2012
Unable to determine due to velocity
Outside of the Red Hill property and Crystal Lake Rd are there any other access points to the Snowies?

Looks like there is a road (8951) just west of the Red Hill access point, but other than that I don't see much.

It looks like I only have 4 days to hunt for the opener and a 411 B tag is still available which would save me a few hundred bucks and I'd get to hunt in a new place.

That said, more than happy to pay the extra tariff and hunt a unit with a better opportunity for success and/or antlerless opportunity on a general tag.
That's about it. Since the tag is only good in 411 the access sites on the south half may not do you much good. You'll want to talk to the FS office in Stanford, MT but you may be able to access via one of the Trailheads like at Cottonwood Creek. Since the trailheads I'm familiar with begin on private land, they may be closed during hunting season as outfitters/fee hunting are the norm in that area.