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Texas guys - OYOA on Lone Star Outdoors radio show

Big Fin

Staff member
Dec 27, 2000
Bozeman, MT
For all the Texas guys, there is a radio show, Lone Star Outdoors, that did a radio interview of me while we were doing the wolf hunt. Cable Smith, the host, was kind enough to take time to talk about many things related to OYOA, both the show and the site. Not sure what will make the final cut, but tune in and find out.

The show will start airing over the weekend. Here is a link to the list of radio stations carrying the show and the airtimes you might catch.

Thanks, Cable. Hope to catch up with you again.
Interesting, never heard of that show or even the radio station, but it will be airing in Lubbock. Too bad I won't be there to listen to it.
Good couple of segments Fin...Interesting to hear that TX is the #3 state in Hunt Talk members.

Hopefully we'll gete some more Texans looking to let go of the lease and high fence.
Thanks for checking it out folks. It was a real pleasure having Randy on the show. If you missed it the podcast is available on my website and on Itunes for free. Take care!
I am traveling and just managed to download and listen to the interview. Very interesting.
Most Texans think that's all there is to hunting. Nothing wrong with leases..I did it for 12 years myself but we need to think outside of "The Lease".

Hard to do that and keep hunting in Texas unless you either own or have access. Most don't as I am sure you know. So then you either lease, go out of state or sit at home.

If you have a better alternative, please share.
Putting everything into perspective, I'm starting to second guess my recreational property. Last year I spent around 10 days either planting food plots, filling and repairing feeders, checking trail cameras, etc. and by the time I got done with all of my out of state hunting I spent exactly 1 day deer hunting on my property. I shot a deer, but it was either shoot that deer or none at all because I was out of hall passes to spend anymore time hunting.

If I took that time and money spent on my hunting property and spent it elsewhere I could be going to Alaska every 2 or 3 years instead.

I would miss out on some pig hunting during the spring and summer, but that's about it. Only reason to stick it out is that I bought my property and it's about paid for.

Plus with New Mexico putting the screws to the non-residents starting this year I probably am not going to be drawing an elk and mule deer tag there for a while.
Putting everything into perspective, I'm starting to second guess my recreational property. Last year I spent around 10 days either planting food plots, filling and repairing feeders, checking trail cameras, etc. and by the time I got done with all of my out of state hunting I spent exactly 1 day deer hunting on my property. I shot a deer, but it was either shoot that deer or none at all because I was out of hall passes to spend anymore time hunting.

If I took that time and money spent on my hunting property and spent it elsewhere I could be going to Alaska every 2 or 3 years instead.

I would miss out on some pig hunting during the spring and summer, but that's about it. Only reason to stick it out is that I bought my property and it's about paid for.

Plus with New Mexico putting the screws to the non-residents starting this year I probably am not going to be drawing an elk and mule deer tag there for a while.

I will lease it from you for 3 bucks an acre.:D Problem solved...or better yet you can do the altruistic thing, as thornton's allusion suggests, and let me hunt it for free. Two problems solved.;)
Hard to do that and keep hunting in Texas unless you either own or have access. Most don't as I am sure you know. So then you either lease, go out of state or sit at home.

If you have a better alternative, please share.

You are preachin to the choir here Jabber. I am not bashing leases at all and no I have no better alternatives to leases for hunting in TX. I thought, the point of the interview was to inform TX listeners about opportunities out west to hunt OYO and my contention was that most listeners probably hunt on leases and either did not know or had no information to hunt out west without a lease.

I do miss leasing sometimes and if I didn't marry into land in OK to deer hunt on I would probably still be doing it. I never had as much excitement going to "The Lease" as I do now heading out west for a hunt and I hope more folks can enjoy the same thrill.
Interesting thoughts for sure. Public land is a very foreign concept to alot of Texas deer hunters. We simply don't have much public land hunting opportunities here. The draws are few and far between so unless you own land or lease you have to pretty much head out of state to hunt. I had the best deer hunt of my life this year on my friend's 4000 acre low fence place in South Texas.

That being said, more Texans need to come see you guys out West. Mule deer, elk and antelope are all on my bucket list. You can hunt Mule deer in west TX but again it becomes an issue of having access to land. Elk we don't have and antelope tags are drawn at 4 hunters for 5,0000 applicants each year.

Hoping to head to either New Mexico or Colorado for elk next year myself.
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