Surely we can do better.

They get public land leases for nearly free, compared to private lease rates here in Montana (private $23.60 an acre and $1.35 for BLM).
Just for clarrification, but BLM grazing fees are not on a per acre basis, but are billed per animal unit month. IME, though in a different state, that is how private land leases are billed as well.

When you say wildlife have "priority" public lands are you referring to forage allocation?
Ismith, you are correct, disgusting way to treat animals. There should be a better way, but possibly isn't. might want to check your facts before yo start flapping as far as the cheap grazing and the brucellosis. Here is a project for you.......start calling some major feeders in Nebraska or Iowa and ask them what their thoughts are on bison. Here's a fact: The majority of the cattle feeders will not buy calves that come from counties......or surrounding counties that have contact with buffalo.

I know that most of you would love to have them and hunt them, but it is a huge black eye for the states cattle industry. can take your one comment about my fences and shove it up your a$&!

What about elk? Far more wide spread, and many carry the disease.
And I'm just trying to help spread the good word BS!

NeMont, to back up her story on the antelope and the CB's and the pickup's and tearing down the really did happen and they did F$^# up the fence pretty bad. They not only ran them through one spot but kept after them until they had run them through numerous places and did raise some serious havec. Only one showed up in the yard asking permission and little did we know that there were 2 more vehicles in the party. Permission was given, (now read that again "Permission was given") to a truck load of total strangers and that is what the result was. Now again NeMont, for about the third time, I am not putting anyone on this site into that category because you are all better than that, but.....this is what landowners have to deal with all fall and that is why landowners look forward to the sun going down on the last day of hunting season like kids look forward to Christmas day.

Nut.....does the "time out chair" have cup holders and a place to put your feet up?

NeMont, Greenie....The answer to your question is "Yes", "Africa Hot"!!

So you are telling that 50 head of antelope tore down an entire mile of fence? Tell you what I will load up a couple of those dreaded 4 wheelers and come on out and fence for free, I will bring my son and another friend who likes to hunt. You buy the material and we will build you a fence that 50 head of antelope won't destroy an entire mile of it. Even if they are chased by pickups.

Apparently you guys don't look forward to making more money by leasing to high quality hunters who respect your property and instead perfer to continue the outfitting deal.

So these guys who stampeded the antelope herd had permission to be on you land? Did you call the sheriff or the FWP? Chasing game animals with vehicles and using two way radio's to coordinate a hunt are illegal activities. If you didn't take those steps to protect your property, stop illegal activity on your property and make those who perpertrated the crime pay, I would ask why? If you private property is so sacred why wouldn't you take the time to protect it? Unless.........


This was a classic thread!
Ismith, you are correct, disgusting way to treat animals. There should be a better way, but possibly isn't. might want to check your facts before yo start flapping as far as the cheap grazing and the brucellosis. Here is a project for you.......start calling some major feeders in Nebraska or Iowa and ask them what their thoughts are on bison. Here's a fact: The majority of the cattle feeders will not buy calves that come from counties......or surrounding counties that have contact with buffalo.

I know that most of you would love to have them and hunt them, but it is a huge black eye for the states cattle industry. can take your one comment about my fences and shove it up your a$&!

I will contend the Cattle Industry gave the wildlife a black eye AND a disease. Brucellosis was brought here by domesticated cattle and transmitted to the bison. How is it fair that the bison are now second class citizens to a non native species that gave them the disease in the first place? It's complete BS if you ask me.
Those bison belong in a National Park, not roaming through people's front yards eating everything they can. I understand the concern for moving them.
I would try other deterents first but if they are damaging property to the point of being intolerable, you bet!

I'd feel the same if it was a cow, a horse, a pig, a dog or a cat doing the damage.
Those bison belong in a National Park, not roaming through people's front yards eating everything they can. I understand the concern for moving them.

They cannot spend the winter in the park, they would most likely starve to death.
Those bison belong in a National Park, not roaming through people's front yards eating everything they can. I understand the concern for moving them.

Actually sheff, in Montana, landowners do bear some responsibility to allow wildlife on their lands. Montana is far from Texas. Thank God!
For Dinkshooter:


noun /ˈsentrəˌsfi(ə)r/ 
centrospheres, plural

1.A region of clear, differentiated cytoplasm from which the asters extend during cell division and containing the centriole(s) if present

2.The central or inner part of the earth
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